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Incident Reporting Software Helps You Work Proactively, Not Reactively

, | July 30, 2015 | By

Have you ever wondered:

What is it about using incident reporting software that could actually help your team be proactive?

Let’s think about this for a moment…

This software can help you respond to incidents or issues faster.

This software can help you save lives.

This software can even help you protect your property from future liability.

Who wouldn’t call that peace of mind? We bet you would.


While all of this value is phenomenal – it’s the details that matter.

What leads to faster response times, saving lives and protecting your property from future liability?

That’s the real question.

That’s what leads to proactive peace of mind.

We’re going to show you how using incident reporting software lets you and your team be proactive, not reactive.

It’s time to be proactive, so let’s get to it.

Being Proactive Starts with Incident Reporting Software that Works for You

What makes your current operation tick? In what areas of your operation would you like to see improvements in?

Would we be right on target if we said you really want to be able to respond to incidents and issues a little or even much faster?

If you and your team have the ability to be the best professionals you can be, why hold back, right?

Much faster it is then!

Pure and simple, you want to be more proactive in every area, department and facet of your operation.

Take that one step further…using a system that’ll work for you – not the other way around.

We get it:

Technically, you’d react to incidents or issues when they occur throughout your property.

However, that’s not what we’re specifically getting to here.

We’re focusing on how well you’re prepared when those incidents do occur. (Let’s be honest, they will happen. It’s inevitable.)

Keep reading, because this is what we’re talking about:

  • Meticulous preparation and planning of all your daily operational or event tasks, protocols-to-handle and procedures.
  • Putting role-playing and table exercises in place that portray real-life scenarios for maximum effectiveness.
  • Implementing advanced software that leads to effective, efficient and expeditious handling of incidents or issues when needed.
  • Having the ability to not only respond to incidents quickly but doing it in a fashion that’s without hesitation or confusion.

How’s THAT for peace of mind?

Look, here’s the thing:

If you truly want to be proactive, you’ll need to take action today.

You need to have the appropriate protocols in place.

You’ll also need to have complete comprehension of your operational requirements.

It might sound extensive – because it is – but it’s not as challenging to pull together as you might imagine.

This is what we’re talking about:

  • Who
  • What
  • Where
  • When
  • How
  • Why

It’s all the important aspects of your operation.

You need this information.

So, if you don’t have it now, you might (you will!) want to invest the time to gather, outline and reference your emergency management plan to execute proactively.

Here’s the kicker:

An incident management system will not only allow you to up the full throttle on your operation, it’ll help you be proactive – not reactive!

What does that mean for you?

  • No more unwanted stress.
  • No more uncontrollable chaos.
  • No more confusion.
  • No more perilous uncertainty.

You’ll only know more ‘proactivity’. That’s all you need to know anyway.

Now, what does being proactive entail? Awareness.

That’s up next.

Being Proactive Leads to an Increase in Awareness of What’s Occurring Around Your Property

When you think about being proactive, what potential obstacles do you immediately think of?

If nothing comes to mind quickly, don’t fret.

Hint: You probably already know…the challenge is awareness.

It’s about knowing what’s occurring at your property, when it’s occurring.

In actuality, awareness is broken up into two parts. Two very important ones…

  1. Knowing and understanding your trending locations for incidents. We also call these your ‘Hot Spots’.
  2. Ability to manage and track resource allocation. For example, where your emergency response teams are located throughout your property at any given time. Where’s Medical? Where’s Police? Where’s Housekeeping to clean up a wet spill?

Think about it:

You need to know where your wet spills or occurring and who’s the closest to clean it up quickly…and if by any chance a slip and fall occurs before your team arrives on scene, which emergency response team can get their the quickest?

Awareness is a powerful characteristic of proactive operations.

How do or are you able to handle this now without incident management software in place?

We can only imagine how exhausting it is to track, manage, handle AND analyze vital information about incidents and issues while only using pen and paper or some other antiquated legacy system.

You can capture some details, yes, but nothing reliable or that’ll hold up in court. Not even close to being proactive…

With that said:

To develop an operation with the right solution and processes you need to simply:

  • Know your trends and Hot Spots
  • Understand your resource allocation

Awareness of what’s occurring throughout your property – before it potentially happens – is being a top-notch and proactive leader.

It’s also one step closer to achieving peace of mind!

Your Ability to Automate Processes is the Result of Being Fully Aware of Incidents, Issues, What’s Trending, and Allocated Resources

When you know, you know, right?

That’s how you can be proactive. No questions there.

Having information with integrity, at your fingertips, gives you what you need to outline and develop protocols and procedures for handling and managing incidents and issues.


Incident management software is your tool.

Use your solution to guarantee all best practices are being executed throughout your operation.

Your next slip and fall – no sweat.

There’s a fight occurring – you’ve got it covered.


How can you put this strategy into action?

Let’s think for a moment…

Consider all of those guidelines and protocols you’ve written in your emergency management plan.


Identify and list all of the incidents and issues you’d like proactive measures for.

Once you do that, you can integrate the information into your incident management software to produce an exceptionally robust system.

No more confusion, only the ability to be fully aware and proactive in your operation.

It gets better though:

You’ll then have the ability to schedule alerts for one or many staff members on your team.

Any need-to-know people can be notified quickly when a specific incident occurs or one is trending at a location.

Think about it…you didn’t even have to think about it! (See what we did there?)

It happened because you put the plan and system in place.

How’s that for proactive peace of mind?

Once You Become a Proactive Leader, Your Job Has Only Begun

How can you ensure the longevity of your proactivity?


  • Continuously make your best effort to always know every aspect of your operation.

Technology evolves – and so do the bad guys.

Your incidents and issues will evolve too. That means you should always be evolving as a professional, proactive leader.

You always need to have a bird’s-eye view of what’s happening.

Your incident management software will give you what you need. It’ll give you analytics so you can continue to enhance your ability to work proactively.

Reporting and analytics simply keeps you ahead of the game – not behind the eight ball. It gives you an extra advantage.

You’ll always need this information because you always need to ensure you’re proactive – not reactive.

  • Dissect the subtleties in your operation.
  • Remove operational waste.
  • Continue to strengthen and streamline your incident management infrastructure.

Do all of this to be proactive. Trust us, it’s the only sure path to peace of mind.

Over to You

Being aware of everything occurring throughout your property, what to do about it and which solution allows you to proactively manage it will impact your peace of mind.

Whether it’s for the betterment of your property, operation and staff…well, that’s up to you to take action.

So, will you be implementing incident reporting software to work proactively, not reactively?

Download our free eBook about incident management software


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