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Use Incident Reporting Software to Solve the Biggest Problems

, | June 4, 2015 | By

Incident reporting software is robust in functionality.

It can help you remove major problems from your operation.

You might be thinking:

You wish you could understand the areas of your operation that need additional support and attention.

Now that you’re thinking about it some more – you’d really like data on every aspect of your operation.

All of it.

We’re here to tell you, that’s certainly possible with the use of an enhanced incident management system.


It’s important that we point something out before moving forward. We understand the complete value incident reporting software can provide for your operation.

As much as we enjoy talking about the benefits, we like separating these systems into parts for purposeful observation.

We believe you get the most value when you’re laser-focused on one factor at a time. It’ll help you better realize the benefits a solution provides.

In today’s article, we focus our attention (and yours) on Analytics, a tool we – for the most part – often sprinkle into discussion but we know doesn’t get enough time in the limelight.

Here’s the thing:

Whether you’re a numbers person or just want a global snapshot of your operation, many providers of incident reporting solutions offer valuable analytics.

Counter Operational Crises Using Your Incident Reporting Software’s Reporting and Analytics Tools

Today’s the day you move your operation to the next level. It’s time to create order.

Analytics will help reduce stress and increase your chances of achieving peace of mind. If this is the case, why wouldn’t you strive for the ‘next level’, especially when it means reducing workplace stress?


We know it’s not much of a magic potion, but it can be the difference between a great customer experience and more legal cases.

More than either of us would care to talk about. That’s for sure.

Analytics is what matters when it comes to…

  • Safety
  • Security
  • Guest experience
  • Liability defense
  • Looking good to your boss!

It provides you with insight into your operation’s effectiveness you’ll never obtain if you’re still using pen and paper.

Sure, you can spend your week plugging away at spreadsheets. But, why not have a tool that does all the heavy lifting for you?

Use your incident reporting software to quickly and seamlessly see what you need to see. Make the changes you need. Spend your weekends with peace of mind…and your family.

Peace of mind and family are by far the best things about being a professional that uses analytics. In our opinion anyway.

But it gets better:

When you use analytics to find those particle hitches in your property’s operation, you can easily figure out any other problems affecting your operation.

Don’t be fooled. How a department responds, communicates and handles an incident or issue consequently affects another.

Yes, your ultimate goal is to offer a memorable experience to your guests. However, from an operational level you need to protect your property from future liability. If you don’t do this, there won’t be anymore “guest experience.”

Incident reporting software that offers reporting and analysis will let you accomplish all of the objectives and goals you couldn’t in the past. You know, when you were using pen and paper and useless spreadsheets.

How? Here are three very specific answers to this unwavering question.

  1. Analyzing incident response times will help you see your weaknesses clear as day. 
  2. Response times have a wave effect which influences other areas of your operation.
  3. Faster response to incidents and issues minimizes the short term and long term impact of incidents occurring throughout your property.

Analyzing incident response times will help you see your weaknesses clear as day.

Use them to improve your procedures and strengthen your protocol for handling incidents and issues.

For tomorrow or your next event – measure them again.

Doing this will keep you in command and control of your operation at all times – forever.

Response times have a wave effect which influences other areas of your operation.

Results can be good or bad.

To ensure they are good, you need to understand why your response times are the way they are and how to improve them.

Do you need additional resources in an area known for fights? Do you need to have housekeeping staff readily available near high traffic areas in the event of a wet spill?

Know your needs so you and your team respond a little quicker and look a lot better.

There’s no question:

Long response times are dangerous for your operation. They’re nowhere close to peace of mind.



Short response times are a reflection of efficient processes that result in happy guests. Make your guests happy by being proactive with analytics.

Faster response to incidents and issues minimizes the short term and long term impact of incidents occurring throughout your property.

Time is of the essence. Would you agree?

Incidents and issues require fast response. They must be handled efficiently, effectively and expeditiously.

An unattended wet spill or the fight in section 407 might just lead to a lawsuit if your emergency response teams don’t act quickly.

Think about it:

Rapid response will save you money. This will have an effect on your property financially.

So, the next time a hot spot starts heating up, you and your team must be prepared. This is life-changing information we’re talking about here.

Having and using your analytics is job security. Trust us.

Over to You

It’s remarkable how professionals like you can use real-time data to alter the outcomes of incidents. With analytics and reporting – you can know and manage.

That’s true peace of mind, but you must use the data first!

Are you ready to hit your reports and see a substantial increase in efficiency?

Download our free eBook about incident management software


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