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Use Incident Management Software to Ensure Customer Safety

, , | September 9, 2021 | By

You might be thinking:

What can you do to ensure the safety of every one of your customers, today and every day?

Believe it or not, that’s actually an easy question to answer.

Here’s why…

We know that incident management software can be used alongside your well-trained staff to keep your customers safe…each and every day.

Putting one of these systems in place can offer you true value – faster response times.

Simply put, your ability to respond to incidents or issues quickly is what keeps your customers safe and prevents problems from escalating.

It keeps that wet spill from turning into a slip and fall. Get it?

Your ability to be proactive makes all the difference.

So keep reading, because in this article we’re going to show you how putting one of these systems in place will reduce your response times and ensure the safety of your customers.

Incident Management Software Provides Fundamental Value


We’re not rocket scientists.

But, we know why you should be implementing incident management software to handle all incidents and issues at your property.

The safety of your customers!

It’s why you’re even reading this article, to begin with.

It’s the same reason you should be implementing a system.

It’s what all your team’s hard work, training, and role-playing are for!

Putting this system in place will give you the ability to analyze your operational effectiveness the way you need.

You’ll be able to make your property safe and turn your customers into raving fans.


We know you’re a smart manager.

That’s why you’re doing your homework.

With that said…

You probably already know:

Entering incidents into the incident management system is, well, the easy part – and only the beginning.

What’s the valuable result of all this data entry?

Measuring all the information your system has captured for you so you can use it to optimize your response times.

Analyze and Improve Response Times to Enhance Customer Safety

Measure and improve your response times using your incident management software.

It’ll help you stay focused and on the path to peace of mind.

Peace of mind in knowing you’re running a professional operation.


Before we discuss how to use response time management at your property, there’s something we must cover.

Now, you might be thinking:

Why do response times even matter?

We’re glad you asked.

Pay close attention (and take notes!) to the four ways your data can help you achieve operational efficiency and faster response times.

Focus on these and you’re on the best path to ensuring the safety of your customers for the long run.

  1. Increased Customer Approval Results in Increased Customer Retention
  2. Faster Response Reduces Impact of Incidents/Issues
  3. Response Times Affect All Departments
  4. Evaluating Response Times Brings Operational Weaknesses to Light

Increased Customer Approval Results in Increased Customer Retention

Handling customer-related concerns, issues, or incidents several minutes sooner is what professionals are made of.

It gets even better:

Your efforts will definitely be noticed!

At this point, you’ll be able to go from customer safety to customer satisfaction.

Do you know what we call that? Job security!


Your goal is to prevent your customers from leaving while keeping them coming back.

The longevity of your operation depends on it – trust us.

Faster Response Reduces Impact of Incidents/Issues

When you frequently respond to incidents or issues a little faster each time, you’re ensuring your job isn’t negatively impacted.


You’re protecting your property from potential liability and legal cases that will more than likely result in financial loss, and job loss.

Think about it:

A beverage spill could quickly result in a slip and fall.

  • How long was the wet spill sitting present before anyone knew about it?
  • Did your staff even know the spill existed?
  • Why did it take six minutes for housekeeping to arrive on the scene?

By the time housekeeping arrives someone has already slipped and hit their head on the floor – now you have to dispatch medical. Hurry!

See where this is headed?

A minor incident turns severe as a result of a very slow response.

Not only does this lead to a legal case – affecting your property financially – but you’re no longer looking good to your customers or feeling great…

…Are you?

Response Times Affect All Personnel

You have a hard enough time getting all your personnel to communicate before an event.


Could you imagine the impact tons of incidents piling up could have on them?

Talk about getting behind the eightball!

It’s important to understand the effect that response times have on your inter-departmental communication.

From the good, the bad, to the potential incidents you don’t ever want occurring at your property again – it can get ugly if you’re not on your game.


Long response times will put you behind the eightball.

You already know this. You also know you can’t afford for this to happen, can you?

You need your operation running smoothly and your customers feeling safe.

What you don’t need is to be playing catch up when it’s go-time.

Evaluating Response Times Brings Operational Weaknesses to Light

Do this to evolve your preparation, your processes, and your ability to be proactive.

Faster response times give you, your team, and your total operation what each needs to be successful and stay a few steps ahead of the ever-changing environment threatening your customers’ safety.

Turn your weaknesses into strengths, and be the professional your peers want to be.

The Most Difficult Questions Are Usually the Most Important Ones


You get the importance now.

It’s time to look at the data.

Let’s get down to the brass tacks.

Are you ready to open your response times report?

It’s time for a response time deep dive.

You’ve put an invaluable system in place.

Now, let’s use it.

Use these questions and your answers to uncover what an effective response time to incidents or issues is for your property.

These will help you understand the difference between creating a safe or dangerous environment for your customers.

  1. How long does it take for your command center to receive a call or some form of communication that an incident or issue has taken place?
  2. How long does it take for your command center operator to dispatch the incident or issue to need-to-know personnel?
  3. How long does it take for your response teams to arrive on-scene to an incident or issue at your property?

How long does it take for your command center to receive a call or some form of communication that an incident or issue has taken place?

This is the time it takes your customers to identify a situation, then send a text message using your text communication software…

…Or, for them to call it in.

…Or, for your team to report an issue through your handheld mobile device…

…Up until your staff in the command center actually receives the communication.

How long does it take for your command center operator to dispatch the incident or issue to need-to-know personnel?

Let’s say:

A call for two customers arguing comes in with the makings of a fight in the works. It’s been reported that both individuals are intoxicated and throwing alcohol.

Your command center dispatcher must notify police, medical, and housekeeping in the event this situation has worsened before your team arrives on-scene.

How long does a similar incident at your property take to dispatch?

(Want to streamline your whole incident management process? Check out how The ACDA Principle™ can help you achieve this.)

How long does it take for your response team to arrive on-scene to an incident or issue at your property?

From the moment the incident or issue is dispatched to each department, you can gain much insight.

With your system in place, you’ll be able to determine the length of time each associated department takes to arrive on-scene to the incident or issue.

Data is the Tell-Tale Sign You’re Doing Safety Right

Each question above will help you understand the importance of suitable response times for your operation.

You need answers.

These will give you the answers and insight you need in order to better use your software in order to fully enhance your incident management capabilities.

By doing this you’ll be able to ensure the safety and security of your customers.

Consider this:

Before your incident management system was put into place, your response time to a wet spill – like the one we’ve mentioned above – took your team an unacceptable seven minutes.

After your solution is turned on and deployed, the time to respond to wet spills drops to two minutes.

Your return on investment is quite clear at this point, is it not?

Now you can enjoy peace of mind (and Proactive Operations).

Plenty of it.

Here’s the thing:

Your success is all because you've put an incident management system in place.

One that allows you to record plenty of data, analyze every aspect of it, and then utilize it in your continuous pursuit of perfection.

Over to You

We’ve discussed the importance of putting an incident management solution in place. We’ve also discussed what to do in order to see the best results – the long-term safety of your customers.

We want to see you optimize your response times and increase the overall satisfaction of your customers so everyone can have peace of mind.

So, are you ready to start using incident management software to improve response times and ensure the safety of your customers?

Editor's note: This post was originally published in July 2015 and has been updated for comprehensiveness and freshness.

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