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How to Solve the Biggest Problems with Analytics

, , , | June 5, 2014 | By

Yoo-hoo! Yes, you. Wake up! It’s go time. Your team is fully operational responding to wet spills, broken cup holders, wheel chair requests, bathroom issues, escalator changes, elevator breakdowns, some more wet spills and unruly guests, lots of unruly guests. It’s just another day of harnessed chaos. You’re used to this ‘same old thing’, and then…a man falls 15 feet. What the…?

You heard correct. Tuesday night medical personnel attended to a fan after he fell into the home bullpen during the Minnesota Twins' game at the Milwaukee Brewers. Fortunately, the bullpen net braced his fall.

How prepared is your team for a random disruptive act [incident]? What would happen to the unattended wet spills and unruly fans? How harnessed would your chaos be?

Doing the same thing over and over gives you the same result. While you're pushing that boulder (the one you can’t see over or around) up the mountain, your operation is breaking down. The oil in your “machine” is sludgy, and the nuts and bolts that hold it together are falling out. There’s a reason for this. You’re missing the small facts. (Small in size, not importance.)

We’re here to tell you ‘the Devil is in the details.' These are what you need to look at in order to see those ghostly occurrences in your operation resulting in bigger problems. Figure them out, and you've found the cure for the facility management crisis: Chaos.

Analytics: the “Devil’s” Kryptonite.

Let’s get your life [operation] in order. What’s the magic potion for this nightmare?

It’s ANALYTICS. Not much of a magic potion, we know. It’s the stuff that matters though, and it provides you with huge insight into your operation’s effectiveness.

Find the “Devil” - those granule obstructions in your facility’s operation - and now you can figure out all the other problems associated, because the biggest problem we want to remove is what? Liability. You got it!

Analytics gives you the keys to your kingdom. How? Glad you asked.

  1. Analyzing incident response times provides you understanding about your weaknesses. Use them to improve your processes and strengthen your protocols. It’s that B-12 shot to keep you ahead of the game. Next event, measure them again.
  2. Response times have a ripple effect influencing other areas of your operation, good or bad. Long response times are the little guy in red with the pointy horns. Short response times are the properties of efficient processes resulting in happy guests. Make your guests happy.
  3. Faster response minimizes short term and long term impact of incidents. Time is of the essence in these situations. Incidents require fast response and must be handled expertly. The unattended wet spill or escalated unruly fan behavior could lead to a lawsuit. Quick response may save you some (more like, many) pennies, affecting your venue financially. Now when that poor fellow falls 15' you and your team are ready, as this is life-threatening stuff we’re talking about here. We call this job security.

Having and using analytics are crucial for the efficiency of your operation, and your continued fight against the villains, also known as the particle flaws in your processes. Are you ready to hit the reports and charts?

Great! We knew you’d catch on. Sometimes all it takes is some friendly advice, and coffee (lots of coffee in some instances).

Click here to see how you can arm yourself with one-click reports and comprehensive statistics. Solve the big problems and get all the data you need to increase your operational efficiently.

Click here to read the full story on the fan taken off on stretcher after fall.

Download our free eBook about incident management software

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