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Use an Incident Management System to Supercharge Communication

, | March 31, 2015 | By

Enhanced communication is achieved once an incident management system is implemented.

But fully optimizing your communication only occurs when you utilize a solution that can take your incident management system mobile.

Do you have limited resources? Are your communication lines restricted, because only a handful of your staff are armed with radios? Is your tight budget ultimately crippling your response times? Is guest services feeling the impact?

Use your incident management system to lay the foundation for a high-performing operation. And then implement mobile apps to supercharge it.

Avoid Falling Behind the Eight Ball

Your event starts and, of course, here come the incident calls.

As the event is geared towards families, your team is on alert for high priority calls like a lost children.

The calls start coming in…Wet spill…wet spill…another wet spill.

A lot of small calls will catch up to you. Quickly, your staff is bogged down.

We've identified one major shortfall consistent among venues in the industry during occurrences such as this: Communication.

How can you be ready for the high priority calls if you don't have an incident management system in place? The wet spills will keep coming. You need to efficiently respond to the wet spills. You’re not able to do that without the proper system in place.

You need to badly unclog your communication channels, because your wet spills are now turning into slip and falls! This reflects poorly on your team and YOU.

To make matters worse, if you have limited resources or staff, the noise will be even greater.

  • Communication channels are clogged.
  • Your radio traffic is unbearable.
  • Calls are coming in from all ends.

As this point, the thought of “two-way communication” is raising your stress level. This takes the “management” out of incident management for sure. Peace of mind is nowhere in sight.

Calls are coming in through the radio so quickly that if you don’t have incident management software in place to overcome this – you’ll fall far behind the eight ball. Then what will you do?

Too many calls, not enough efficiency. It’s your reality, but the good news is…you can change the way things are. You can make this the way things used to be. How does that sound?

Restructure and Optimize Communication with Your Incident Management System

Venues clearly have incident management needs. So what’s the solution?

Whether you have one staff member every other area or only two-way radios available for supervisors, first-class efficiency can still be accomplished.

Besides peace of mind, that’s what your goal is, right?

  1. No more excess chatter over hand-held radios.
  2. No more missed incident calls leading to escalation.
  3. No more logging incidents into a spreadsheet, notebook or relying on memory.

It’s time to invest into mobile applications for your venue. It’s time to unclog your communication gap, enhance your operational efficiency and get a predictable return on your investment.

Incident Management Mobile Apps Streamline Communication for Less

Mobile apps revolutionize communication augmenting your incident reporting solution.

Mobile apps are affordable and can be in the hands of ALL your staff. They’re the ultimate tools for reporting and managing incidents at your venue on-the-fly.

Do you have staffing constraints? Incident management mobile apps give you the ability to deploy one of your staff to cover three areas instead of one staff member to every other area.

How can you do this? With streamlined solutions, flexibility, efficiency, effectiveness, and expeditious response are all possible! Your staffing constraints are instantly eliminated with the implementation of mobile apps.

When putting mobile apps into the hands of your front-line staff you’re ensuring incidents can be reported in seconds directly into your system. You’ll also have the ability to “keep your incidents honest” simultaneously protecting your venue from future liability.

(Don’t have incident management software? Read this blog article on the 18 ways incident management software can create order.)

With enhanced communication, new protocols and unclogged channels you’ll reach a new level professionally.

Are limited resources one of your concerns? Mobile apps resolve this issue too. You’ll have the ability to choose whether your venue uses a Wi-Fi connection or you can use your existing data network when tapping into an industry leading solution.

Either way – you’re covered.

But, don’t stop there.

Above we only talk about a couple, albeit exceptional, benefits of using mobile apps with your incident management software. A valuable solution will have the following 7 benefits.

  1. Mobile System Operates via Wi-Fi or Cellular Data
  2. Provides Two-Way Communication between Venue Staff and Supervisors
  3. Supplement Incident Details with Multimedia for Improved Liability Defense
  4. Administrator Level App for Your Mobile Supervisors
  5. Real-Time Data and Updates for Full Awareness
  6. Track and Direct Staff to Specific Locations to Improve Resource Allocation
  7. User-Friendly Training

Mobile System Operates via Wi-Fi or Cellular Data

No need for costly monthly subscriptions if using your existing Wi-Fi network.

Provides Two-Way Communication between Venue Staff and Supervisors

Arming your front-line staff with the easiest, most effective way to report incidents. Now you can communicate more with less staff.

Supplement Incident Details with Multimedia for Improved Liability Defense

Send photos or videos between communicators or your incident management dispatch queue. Is there a lost child at your venue? Should your staff “be on the lookout” (BOLO) for a suspicious person? Send out photo instantly to all communicators, especially when you’re operating in a family environment like the example given in the beginning of this article.

Administrator Level App for Your Mobile Supervisors

Allow your supervisors to have dispatch queue on their communicator. That way, they can see what’s occurring in real time without actually having to be everywhere.

Real-Time Data and Updates for Full Awareness

As an incident progresses, communicators can update incidents in real time. Real-time data has been a missing ingredient among many venues for quite some time. It’s not anymore. Giving all your staff a way to effectively communicate across all departments is sheer value within itself.

Track and Direct Staff to Specific Locations to Improve Resource Allocation

Send out important alerts and notifications to one or all devices utilized by your team. This will ensure all need-to-know persons are where they need to be and when.

User-Friendly Training

Staff will always change. However, training them on how to use the solution and mobile applications should be painless. An efficient mobile app will use relevant images to symbolize departments and incidents. Simplicity ensures there’s no opportunity for confusion or missing another important incident call along the way.

Over to You

What are you going to do now to enhance your communication? Are you ready to supercharge communication of any and all incidents that occur at your venue?

We’re confident you’re ready. Use your incident management software and associated mobile apps to unclog communication, restructure it and achieve peace of mind.

Download our free eBook about incident management software


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