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Streamline Security Guard Training with an Incident Management System

, , | December 9, 2014 | By

High turnover is a fact of your business. So are the associated hiring costs. Have you ever calculated how much more a new employee costs vs. a seasoned employee?

Sure the price per hour may start off equal; but how much does that new employee’s learning curve actually cost you? Inefficiency costs are not easily calculated. Unfortunately, these are the costs that often glare at you under the “loss” column of your financial statement.

Reducing the learning curve and getting your new staff up and running as quickly as possible is essential to the success of your company. Inefficiency is just too expensive.

Your incident management system is a great tool to get your new staff trained rapidly and effortlessly. (It's a great supplement to your guard tour system too!)

Use it to get your security staff deployed to the field, for any of your properties, and gain peace of mind that they’ll be doing their job the way you need them to.

Your Incident Management System Can Eradicate Ambiguity

We understand hiring staff is an arduous process. Training new staff comes with lots of challenges. Their capabilities, language and comprehension – all tested. They’ve achieved all proper licensing in order to work for your company. It’s time to train your new staff.

Are you using an incident management system? Is your system solving your guard training and training issues?

If you answer “No.” That’s OK. Read our blog article on the 18 ways incident management software creates order and you’ll understand the power of these systems immediately. But today, our focus is narrower.

Better Training for Reduced Turnover & Labor Costs

Through the implementation of an incident management solution, you can modernize your security guard training.

Now ‘easy-to-understand’ and ‘easy-to-learn’ is merely a foundation for what your system can do for training. Specific features of your system can make training your staff a seamless process. While providing them with all the capabilities to become successful. Success is critical.

When your staff is successful they’ll work smarter and harder for you. When you give them the confidence and tools to be successful, watch turnover diminish.

Here are 6 aspects of incident management software that improve your ability to train security staff. Focus on how each makes training easier and your company more competitive than it was yesterday.

  1. A well-organized and coordinated incident queue. The less your team needs to remember, the more effective they can be. An incident queue that colonizes within your system to categorize each incident by status will remove the need for your team to remember what’s going on, who’s involved, what resources are needed. The system will give them the real-time data and knowledge needed to perform their role.
  2. Don’t make your team remember what’s required when filling out incident reports for your properties. Create and use custom fields. Provide you staff exactly what’s needed for an incident report, not what they think is needed. Accountability is the positive effect of quality training in this case.
  3. Schedule alerts and notifications for specific incidents that occur. Remove error from decision making. Rather than conducting extensive training on potential hazards, quickly role-play with your staff while relying on your ability to instantly inform them of protocols to handle using your mobile incident management devices.
  4. Send automatic notifications to guards to remind them of tasks to complete. This helps them succeed. It’s a team effort. You’re ensuring that as a team all locations are secured and verified on schedule and with certainty.
  5. How many of your guards know and can execute your standard operating procedures (SOPs) with ease? Integrate your SOPs into your incident management solution. This step is of the utmost importance. Training staff to understand SOPs and a system creates a barrier. That’s a lot to learn. But with the right incident management solution you can have your SOPs for specific incidents populate so your staff is never wasting time rummaging through your SOP book.
  6. An associated person database gives your team an effective method for identifying repeat offenders without memorizes a series of faces. New staff is up to speed on how to “Be on the lookout” in no time. It also reduces their time for retrieving pertinent information and – most importantly – the details needed for your records. Leave no rock unturned and protect your operation of liability.

There are lots of moving parts for professional security companies to manage. Removing a large aspect of what your staff will need to recall will drastically shorten their training time and increase efficacy.  

Make sure that you're using your incident management to include all of your SOPs. By including your SOPs in the system, automating protocols and tasks, you allow guards to focus on protecting your biggest asset – your clients.

Over to You

Use your incident management software to simplify training and make labor challenges one less impediment for your operation.

Here’s a challenge for you. During tomorrow’s drive to the office or one of your clients’ properties, scrutinize our points – let us know if you disagree. We have a good feeling you won’t.

When you utilize your incident management software for training, you’ll avoid the costs of inefficiency inherent with new staff. You’ll also realize a great bonus: Your existing staff will perform with greater efficiency as well. The common challenges faced by security companies like yours have solutions.

Download our free eBook about incident management software


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