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Top 4 Reasons Why You Need Mobile Apps for Events

, | April 8, 2021 | By

“Received call from a customer. Their elderly father claimed to have slipped on a wet spill near the men’s restroom at Section 112.”

You hear this over the radio as you walk into the operations center.

“How are we doing,” you ask your operations manager, Kristine.

She nods and continues her radio call.

“John, have you arrived on the scene,” she radios to one of your mobile supervisors, John.

A few minutes later he responds.

“Yes, I’m here, but no one else is.”

You look at Kristine and shake your head in frustration.

She’s frustrated too.

What’s happening here?

Are your teams ignoring calls?

Are they missing the calls because there is too much noise over the radio?

How are things getting overlooked?

What’s causing this inefficiency?

The confusion continues as your operations center team tries to get personnel to the location.

Five minutes go by…

Seven minutes.

Now, it has been 15 minutes.

“We’re all leaving now. We took care of everything,” John calls in.

“What do you mean we’re all leaving,” Kristine responds.

“Oh sorry, everyone arrived on the scene after we last spoke,” he replies.

You and Kristine furiously look at one another.

She doesn’t know what to say or whether it’s right to be mad at John.

He’s only trying to do his job.

But, that’s the thing: he can’t fully do his job, and neither can anyone else on your team.

You’re only relying on radios to operate your events.

So, things are going to get missed or put to the side it the heat of the moment.

There’s no structure beyond your operations center.

Keep reading; we’re going to explain why you need mobile apps to alter your course and enhance your property’s real-time communications capabilities.


You have access to various forms of advanced technology.

Why would you rely only on radios and solutions of the past?

You shouldn’t.

Everyone uses phones nowadays except for your operation.

Why haven’t you implemented mobile apps to support your real-time communications efforts?

Is it the cost?

We get it; cost can be a roadblock.

But now mobile technology is more economical than ever.

It’s a no-brainer.

Not to mention, the benefits are worth every penny.

You don’t have to go all in at once either.

Start small.

But you need to start today.

We’re confident that your operation can get past the financial hurdle because your potential for the bottom line and liability protection is great.

Once you accept mobile apps for events as an asset, you can experience the value mobile technology offers.


You need mobile solutions.

Yes, they bring your events to another level.

But, how they do it what’s amazing.

It’s not that you’re adding a fresh new solution to your artillery.

You’re strengthening the core of your entire operation.

You’re enhancing every aspect of the ACDA Principle™ for your operation.

  1. Awareness
  2. Communication
  3. Documentation
  4. Analytics

It all gets elevated with mobile.

Think about our introduction scenario.

Can you relate to what occurs?

You have a lot of moving parts, and it becomes more challenging when it’s real life and happening.

  • Issues and incidents happen frequently and at various intervals
  • You don’t know what will happen next
  • The outcomes of events change all the time
  • One or many people can be involved in an incident
  • Personnel and resources may be tied up elsewhere
  • How quickly your team responds to each incident changes

It’s a collection of ever-changing variables that you’re faced with instance after instance.

You can overcome this with mobile solutions that supplement everything from incident to task management, and even security operations.

You can maximize your Awareness, Communication, Documentation, and Analysis.

Here’s how.

1. Awareness

Mobile technology gives your team increases awareness.

By deploying solutions to each of your staff, you give need-to-know people access to the information needed when something occurs.

Regardless of where and when an issue or incident takes place, your team will have real-time information about the situation.

No one is left in the dark that shouldn’t be.

Whether a mobile supervisor witnesses a medical situation or your dispatcher enters a fight into the incident management system – your teams are notified accordingly.

When something happens, everyone that needs to know will know.

That’s awareness.

Having real-time knowledge of an occurrence changes your team’s ability to respond efficiently and without delay.

That’s real-time communications at its core.

2. Communication

OK, but what happens when your mobile supervisor, John, receives notification of the slip & fall incident?

Of course, he responds along with the rest of your mobile teams.

But now he efficiently communicates with the notifying dispatcher.

He can also do it without causing any confusion for you and Kristine.

He’s not receiving information from multiple people.

Using a mobile solution also allows your staff to clear up the radio channels for the complex situations that require extensive discussion.

John can do everything to communicate with your operations center from the application.

  • Share that he arrived at the scene
  • Have a two-way conversation with the dispatcher
  • Jump on a call with risk management

Your staff’s ability to communicate efficiently during any occurrence on your property improves the chance of more positive outcomes and experiences.

3. Documentation

Documentation is a major factor when running your events.

It’s a major drawback of not using mobile solutions too.

By only using radios as a form of communication, you force your staff to use a pen and notepad for documentation.

You know the liability risks of using illegibly written reports.

But you’re still doing it.

We talk about the need for proper documentation all the time because it’s serious.

Mobile technology can help you master your documentation, wherever the team needs to be.

  • Tablet apps operate with Wi-Fi or data but can store documentation offline and then upload to your incident management system once in Wi-Fi.
  • You can attach digital documentation, inclusive of photos, videos, and audio witness statements.
  • Removing pen and paper from the equation offers long-term digital and legible documentation to protect your organization for years to come.

One of the greatest hurdles you get over is ensuring that your incidents stay honest.

What do we mean by this?

Let’s say you arrive on-scene to an incident where someone claims to have slipped on a wet spot on your floor.

Not only can your team document when they reached the scene, began tending to the medical needs of the individual, and when they eventually close the incident – they can record much more.

The person broke their ankle and planned to bring a claim against your organization.

But your team uses their tablet application to record the full incident report.

They’re going to keep the incident honest.

  • Pictures are taken of the scene and individuals’ ankle
  • Both video and audio testimonies are captured

All of this is completed while at the scene.

But wait, your “victim” begins to change their story.

Why do you think that happened?

Come to find out, they were cutting the concession line, and their ankle got caught on the railing.

Their story changed because they realized how detailed and expertly your team was able to handle the situation.

Not only are your customers impressed, but you saved your organization from a payout.

4. Analytics

Here’s one optimization you couldn’t get without mobile technology.

Your analytics will show you how much these solutions have enhanced your operation.

Now, you can see processes and outcomes.

  • How long did it take for your Medical team to arrive on the scene?
  • Do you need to add more personnel to a hotspot for a faster response?
  • Are your mobile supervisors tracking the stages of an incident on their devices?
  • What do you need to do to reduce your response times by another minute?

Putting mobile devices in the hands of your boots on the ground opens a world of discovery for you.

Allowing for real-time mobile awareness, communication, and documentation leads to real-time, useful analytics you can implement immediately.

Trust us; you’ll never have access to information you need to maintain Proactive Operations without mobile technology.


Mobile apps for events are no longer a nice to have. They’re a must-have solution.

The increase in application and usage among property operations has been exponential and rewarding to witness. But we’re still not satisfied. Some organizations are still behind the progression.

Why hasn’t your operation gone mobile yet? Enhancing your real-time communications depends on it.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in June 2017 and has been updated for comprehensiveness and freshness.

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