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Do CMMS Software Reviews Actually Help?

| October 20, 2015 | By

Today, we have an important question to answer:

Do CMMS software reviews truly help when it comes to making your final buying decision?

Here’s our answer: No.

Here’s the Reader’s Digest version of ‘our review’ on reviews.

There’s a reason they don’t help. One of the reasons? You can’t measure their impact or effectiveness.

Now, we get it. Technology has allowed for a more effective way to verify the quality and integrity of online reviews. But there’s nothing that comes even close to hearing the value like hearing it straight from the horse’s mouth.

Keep reading because we’re also going to give you the best alternative to reviews. An alternative that’ll bring value to your purchasing process, and peace of mind to you and your team.

CMMS Software Reviews Lack Quality & Substance Needed to Evoke Smart Buying Choices

Do CMMS software reviews overwhelm you to the point that you’d rather keep your legacy CMMS than move to a new one?

It’s scary to think this is probably true.

Does making the final decision on which CMMS solution to purchase quickly dissolve your peace of mind?

You don’t want to make the wrong choice. You don’t want to look bad to your boss and staff.

Here’s the thing, there’s a lot of information on the internet.


As a highly effective facility manager, who do you believe?

Are you feeling overwhelmed?

It makes sense that you’d want to do your due diligence. We’d say, it’s a smart first step for you.

If you remove the complexities of decision making you’ll make your buying process a simple one.

A smart buying process, focused on peace of mind, affords you the ability to make more intelligent decisions…much quicker.

  • Less steps to get tangled up in
  • No more software reviews to “rely” on
  • Real, high-quality information you can use

Today ends with you leaving CMMS software reviews in the same place you’ll be leaving your legacy solution.

Today, you’ll make smart, practical decisions for your facility. You won’t regret it.

A Single Referral Is Worth All the Reviews in the World

Choosing a CMMS solution is no everyday task. There’s no question that you already know this.

It’s consuming. It’s a process and there are lots of variables to consider when making your decision.

Looking for a solution? Are you doing the following?

  • Trying to locate and identify reliable software review sites that list reputable solution providers.
  • Reading enough reviews to write a novel on CMMS reviews.
  • There seem to be CMMS solutions that fit all industries, but you’re trying to find one that fits yours through all the noise.
  • Reading biased reviews from organizations you’ve never heard of or are probably out of business by now.
  • Pray the reviews you’ve read are somewhat reliable enough to help make a decision you won’t regret.

Is this your current process?

Well, we “regret” to inform you…this doesn’t help you achieve peace of mind. It’s bad for your facility, pure and simple.

You’re a professional. It’s important that you make smart decisions.

Not to mention, do you really have time to read review after review?

It’s important that you find qualified CMMS solution providers – fast.

They need to have a successful track record and plenty of referrals.

  • Referrals that are in your industry for obvious reasons
  • Referrals that have the same or similar business needs that you can relate to

Move to this method and simplify your selection process. There’s nothing more to be said.

  1. Interview the vendor to ensure they’re a fit for your facility.
  2. See a live demonstration of their system. It’s crucial that you see a live demo that way the solution provider can tailor the presentation to your facility’s needs and you can ask important questions.
  3. Contact referrals from similar organizations within your industry that are already using the solution, and are experiencing a return on their investment that surpasses the competition.
  4. Most important, make your decision. If you’re ready, willing and able to make the decision…make it.

Now is a perfect time to rely on your peers. When you have your peers to help in the decision-making process, the anxiety associated with changing how you make important decisions reduces significantly.

Doesn’t it make sense to use the same solution your peers are using and having success with? If peace of mind is right in front of you, are you going to take it? Yes, you will.

Make the Decision to Change, Then Lead the Change

You’ve made your decision to change. You’ve also made your decision to evolve your facility and maintenance initiatives.

You no longer need us to tell you that you don’t need unreliable software reviews. You’re a professional that only has time for peer referrals.

What’s next? We’re glad you asked.

We’re going to give you a plan of action to leverage referrals. Your plan of action will help you get your team onboard, and everything headed in the right direction.

Before we jump into this plan of action, there’s one important aspect of following through on your purchase that we want you to understand and consider moving forward.

It’s crucial to a successful implementation that you select the right team for the implementation process that follows your purchase.

Here at ISS 24/7, we recommend that you have two people in charge of implementation.

One person should lead the strategy and organize all targets for setting up the system. The other person should be responsible for the nitty-gritty of setting up the system and then the day-to-day responsibilities between your solution provider’s implementation team and your users of the CMMS solution.

Having clear objectives and executing on them is key for everyone’s peace of mind.

Your frontline staff is critical to implementation success. Start there, then move upward.

Bottom-up decision making should be the process of the future for your facility.

You and your team are the influencers. With that said, you must become the expert.

Spearhead this initiative with purpose. Recommend changes and ensure all actions move in the direction that’s best for the greater good – you, your team and facility.

Define and execute a plan with purpose.

Consider all concerns your team might have. Have a plan of action to execute.

Ensure any operational, financial and departmental questions don’t go unanswered.

Most important, put a plan in place that’ll prevent failure from taking over once implementation begins.

A good software provider will assist you with the implementation from the planning to the processing.

(Interested in knowing what top-notch customer support, implementation, and training are like? Check this out.)

Questions, questions, questions. Ask plenty of them to remove anxiety and eliminate roadblocks.

Ask the most important questions for your facility’s operation.

  1. How will this move affect all stakeholders at my facility?
  2. What are the possible obstacles we could face during our transition to our new solution?
  3. What advice did each referral give us about the transition?
  4. How have referrals been able to successfully implement this solution?
  5. If we stumble, do we have the support of this solution provider to pick up and move forward?
  6. Is this the best solution to help us achieve peace of mind?

Ask these questions to reduce your headaches…and to be successful. It should be that easy, right? It is.

How does your team feel? Ask your team for their thoughts, insights, and advice to stay on the right path to peace of mind.

Do you rely on your team? Do you trust them? We hope so because you need them to succeed.

They implement, test and train staff using your new system.

Think about it this way: You can build your team into great referral sources with some extra effort. Pay it forward after using the system for a bit. Help facilities that reach out to you for a referral make a smart decision too. 

Ask for your team’s feedback. What do they think of the effectiveness of your new solution? Listen to their comments and suggestions to make more smart decisions in the future.

Don’t let success stop you. Keep asking, learning and improving your long-term maintenance efforts.

What’s the best way to safeguard success? Data.

Data will show how well your new system is working and what you can do to improve.

  • Do more of what’s working.
  • Get rid of what’s not. 

Review your operation with these five questions:

  1. Did you experience immediate results?
  2. Were these results expected?
  3. Were the results positive?
  4. What changes should you make?
  5. How will you make these changes?

CMMS software reviews you read on the internet won’t give you results like those your referrals are providing.

One last question: How much more helpful are CMMS software referrals than reviews? We challenge you to answer this, starting today.

Over to You

Remember, a high-quality referral is only a phone call away. Don’t rely on “reviews” that you can’t even rely on.

Make smart buying decisions by trusting in a solutions provider that can provide you with reliable and willing-to-share customer referrals that count.

Download our free eBook about facility maintenance software

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