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Why It's Time to Stop Reading CMMS Software Reviews

, | May 28, 2015 | By

CMMS software reviews can lead to poor decisions.


“Experts” might tell you to keep looking at reviews or to do a little extra research before you make a final decision.


Relying on this type of advice might keep you from possibly finding a better fit for your facility.

Now, you might be thinking:

Reviews are great. You’re doing “fine”…this is how you’ve always based your decisions.

Well, it’s time to change.

Today, we’re going to show you the best tools that allow you to improve your process for making CMMS buying decisions.

Let’s get started.

CMMS Software Reviews Don’t Provide Enough Value

Do CMMS software reviews make your head spin? Does making the final decision on which CMMS solution to purchase increase your stress level?

We understand:

You don’t want to make the wrong choice.

You don’t want the problems or to lose a lot of money.

There’s a lot of information on the internet. So, who do you believe?

You might be feeling overwhelmed.


It’s OK to do your due diligence.

In fact, it’s a very intelligent first step. However, you can’t let it cripple you. An example of poor leadership is too much analysis during your decision-making process.

Remove the complexities of decision making.

Do this and you’ll make your buying process a simple one.

Here’s the thing:

A seamless buying process helps you make smarter decisions, faster and better.

  • Less steps
  • Less software reviews
  • More valuable info to use

It’s time to stop reviewing CMMS software reviews until you turn as blue as our logo.

Start making the smart, constructive decisions we always talk about – for your facility.

To Realize the Most Value, Enter the Referral Era

You might already know, choosing a maintenance system is no ordinary decision.

It’s a time consuming process and there are lots of variables to consider.

With that said, this may be what you are doing:

  • Finding reliable software review sites listing respectable solution providers.
  • Filtering through the overabundance of reviews from each business. Trust us, there are plenty.
  • Determining which reviews are from organizations remotely similar to your industry and business needs. Everyone seems to make a CMMS that fits “every” industry.
  • Reading myopic reviews from organizations we’d bet you’ve never heard of. Neither have we.
  • Hope – and we mean hope – they are even close to being reliable.

Does this sound familiar? Is this your current process?

This is wrong. It’s bad for business and nowhere close to peace of mind.

Think about it:

You’re a professional.

We all know you don’t have time to examine review after review, after review.

It’s important that you quickly find qualified solution providers.

You need qualified software providers…

With a successful track record and referrals.

  • Ones within your industry
  • Ones with similar business needs

So long as you say farewell to the status quo and move to this method, you’ll quickly simplify your selection process.

  1. Interview the vendor verifying that they’re an operational fit.
  2. Schedule and preview a demonstration of their system.
  3. Contact referrals from similar organizations within your industry already successfully using the solution.
  4. Make a decision!

It gets better:

When you rely on your peers, the disconcerting responsibilities associated with changing how you make important decisions lessen.

If your peers are using a solution and it's performing successfully for them, then GET THAT! Make sense? That’s peace of mind.

You Must Be the Agent of Change

You’ve made your decision to change. You’ve also made your decision to progress.

You no longer need outdated, unreliable software reviews. You have moved to worthwhile referrals.

Now what do you do?

We’re going to give you a game plan where you can leverage referrals to move your facility from a cost center to a profit center. It’ll also help to get everyone’s buy-in.

Start from the bottom and work up.

Top-down decision making shouldn’t exist at your facility at this point.

You and your team are the influencers. So, it’s crucial that you become the expert.

Become the change agent. Propose changes and ensure all actions move in the direction that’s best for you, your team and the facility.

Create a plan of action.

Take into account every concern your team may have. Have a plan of action.

Ensure any operational, financial and departmental bases are addressed.

Putting a plan in place will prevent failure when implementation starts.

It’s important to know:

A good software provider will assist you with the implementation from the planning to the processing.

Ask questions to reduce and potentially eliminate resistance from your team.

Ask the questions important to your operation.

  1. How will this move affect everyone?
  2. What drawbacks could we face during our transition?
  3. What advice did each referral give us about transitioning with this solution provider?
  4. Were there a lot of referrals with successful use cases?

Address these questions…Reduce your risk…Be successful.

What does your team think? Ask them for their thoughts and insight.

You rely on your team.

They implement, test and train using your new system.


You can build them into great referral sources. It’s a great way to help facilities that reach out to you as a referral in the future. Pay it forward.

Get your team’s feedback on the effectiveness of your new solution.

Most importantly…

Take the time to listen to their comments and suggestions.

Study your achievements.

What’s the best way to ensure success? Measure what you know, and then manage what you measure.

Do a lot more of what’s working and get rid of what’s not. Data will show the results of your progress.

Review where you were and where your operation is with the new system.

  • Did you experience immediate results?
  • Were these results expected?
  • Were the results positive?
  • What changes should you make?

Rather than relying on any CMMS software reviews you’d read on the internet, we’d bet the results are more on target with what your referrals are saying.

Wouldn’t you agree?

Over to You

It’s time for you to become a great referral for your peers. That’s why it’s time for you to stop reading reviews.

Your most reliable “reviews” are only a phone call away.

Download our free eBook about facility maintenance software


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