Is Your Property a Liability Claims Risk?
Discover How to Shield Your Property Against Millions in Liability Claims
It's a Matter of Time...
It's not a question of "if". It's only a question of "when." Sooner or later an incident will occur that puts your venue or property at risk of liability. When that day comes, will you be prepared?
You can be by taking the proactive steps today to shield your business against inevitable liability claims...

Free Guide Reveals:
- 6 Universal threats to properties
- How to stop claims before they’re even filed
- 4 Solutions that protect properties against claims
- The Liability Estimation Formula
- Much more...
What Will You Do In a Lawsuit?
"In a lawsuit, if something is not documented, it is as if it never occurred. Any venue that invites guests to put aside their daily cares, consume a controlled substance, and enjoy an adrenaline rush with a few thousand of their new best friends is going to face legal claims, probably sooner than later. Sloppily written and haphazardly recorded records reflect badly on venue operators and invite jurors to think that weak documentation equals weak safety, security, and health measures. Witness recollections can be even less helpful, especially in an industry staffed with part-time workers who may turn over as much as 100% per year.
Sloppily written and haphazardly recorded records reflect badly on venue operators and invite jurors to think that weak documentation equals weak safety, security, and health measures. Witness recollections can be even less helpful, especially in an industry staffed with part-time workers who may turn over as much as 100 percent per year.
A comprehensive operations management tool tailored to each user will yield faster incident responses and more thorough records, improving operational efficiency and project management. Operations management software also shows that a venue’s incident reporting and response is the product of organized planning implemented correctly in real time.
Being smart and looking smart are both essential when trying to convince opposing counsel and jurors that you behaved reasonably under your own circumstances, which is what the law requires of all of us. As a lawyer dealing with safety and security at live events, I am always happy to walk into a command center and see operations management software on everyone’s computer screen."
Do Better Methods Exist?
The right approach is key to reducing your venue's risk of liability. Proactive steps ensure that when an incident occurs, staff quickly arrive on scene in seamless coordination with operations. Vivid details are reliably and systematically captured, time-stamped, and linked to specific staff members.
Measures for Success
The long-term success of a venue or property is largely determined by how well risk is accessed and mitigated over time. How can your property sustain its ability to reduce risk through the years? Will the million-dollar case show itself one, five, or seven years from today? Properties must take proactive action today to be prepare for the inevitable.
Consistency Brings Certainty
Every aspect of property operations management requires an objective and consistent approach to reduce risk. Having the strategy, infrastructure, and technology of the property deployed under one consistent methodology leads to clarity for the property, including the defense of liability claims. Four solutions enhance a property’s ability to keep incidents ‘honest’ and protect itself in the event the property becomes the defendant in a legal case.
The Right Intelligence Reaps Huge Rewards
Whether a court case is won or lost depends on which side as the best intelligence. Your property can save up to millions from liability claims today, tomorrow, and years from now. What is your potential loss?
“we can now proactively manage the events and the nearly 1,000+ event staff who work with us.”
Jim Hosfelt | Director of Public Safety and Track Operations | Dover International Speedway