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Your CMMS Is Missing its Robin

, | November 6, 2014 | By

You’ll never catch Batman without his trusted sidekick, Robin. No way.

If Batman is missing Robin crime fighting is not the same. They’re two peas in a pod, peanut butter and jelly, the Lone Ranger and Tonto…you get the point.

As a team Batman and Robin are quite the effective pair – but separated – there’s a dramatic decline in execution. Not as many villains are brought to justice.

All the same goes for property managers. Your maintenance efforts require a congruent effort on the part of your CMMS and its heroic partner.

If you’re struggling to keep your maintenance above the red, it might be missing its Robin – equipment inspection software.

Equipment Inspection Software is Rather Revolutionary

“Holey rusted metal, Batman! The ground. It’s all metal. It’s full of holes. You know, holey.” - Robin

Trust us when we say there’s no better way to move your maintenance from a cost center to a profit center than to combine your CMMS with equipment inspection software. Doing that helps you tackle the obvious obstructions in your equipment.

If you’re challenged with maintaining accountability across your department, introducing a progressive inspection solution will give you peace of mind. Your Batman abilities will be supercharged and Robin won’t be saying, “The bat computer is none too frisky today, Batman.”

We get it - managing a maintenance operation is a headache within itself, so adding inspections to the mix is the opposite of icing on the cake. It’s more like the final straw in your patience, right?

If you’ve ever thought “there should be a better way” – you’re in good fortune.

Coupled with your CMMS, your equipment inspection software will give you the upper hand on maintenance. You’ll not only get the efficiency, effectiveness and peace of mind you ought to have, you will also be on the direct path to a profit center with employee accountability and reduced stress.

Here are 7 ways an inspection solution will be the Robin to your Batman.

  1. Accurate documentation.
  2. No more handwritten notes or checklists. Stop the villains and save some trees.
  3. Increased efficiency.
  4. Most systems are quite simple to learn only taking 30 minutes to train your staff.
  5. RFID technology and easy-to-attach labels for all of your equipment.
  6. Holy multimedia, Batman!
  7. Instantly generate work orders. Not only is this lucky number 7, but we tend to save the best for last!

You’ll finally have all the documentation you needcorrect and useful. What’s the point of reports that aren’t comprehensive to provide you with information to make better decisions? Running through the routine and writing down random details for an “inspection” has no value. It’s obvious.

You’re spinning your wheels and spending unnecessary money. Efficiency jumps in the bat mobile and leaves the Bat Cave on a long-term hiatus.

Time to pull a changeup. Eliminate poor, inaccurate documentation, and handwritten notes and checklists with digital ones. Find an innovative solution that empowers the use of handheld mobile devices to pull this off.

Create digital checklists for equipment inspections and have all the information reported at the time of each inspection – even on the fly in some cases.

What’s the effect? You got it, increased efficiency.

Every single solitary piece of valuable information is at your fingertips. All details of your inspections are recorded and reported at the time of each inspection. Even the ones that your team conducts on the fly. Every so often equipment might need an early touch-up.

“Better three hours too soon than a minute too late.” – Batman

Hiring new employees? Did one of them turn out to be the Joker? No problem. You won’t want to waste your treasured time on an antiquated system. You want one that’s super user friendly and easy to teach (and learn). Give your team 30 minutes and you’ll be surprised how quickly they pick up how to use your system.

That way, when you throw them to the wolves they’ll be empowered and bear confidence. They’ll be scanning RFID labels and taking names, literally.

Easy to attach labels on any piece of your equipment will allow your maintenance team to simply scan equipment using your solution’s mobile handheld device. Pull up the equipment’s details – its name – and all inspection items to check, fix or replace.

Something doesn’t look right on a piece of equipment? A picture is worth a thousand words, so attach one. A picture, video, audio recording and signature always enhance written details of the situation. Have your team take pictures for your records or to show the before and after of an equipment fix or replacement.

We don’t believe in failure, but if an item fails inspection – send it off to the bat computer! Or if you prefer, instantly generate a work order with a single click and send it to your work order system. Click. Boom.

Robin Heightens Your CMMS Powers

Use a work order and inspection solution that talk to one another. Only then will maximum efficiency be a click away.

Combine these two powerful solutions for one supercharged maintenance operation. But don’t forget, you can’t manage what you don’t measure and you can’t control what you can’t measure.

Many web-based work order and equipment inspection solutions offer one-click reporting and comprehensive statistics that’ll give you all the data you need to increase your efficiency. Use the reporting features as an appendage to your maintenance solutions.

You’ll have Robin humming with Batman in no time. You’ll have peace of mind.

Come on, Robin, to the Bat Cave! There's not a moment to lose!

Download our free eBook about facility maintenance software


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