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You Need Response Times as Fast as This 183.9 MPH World Record

| September 20, 2018 | By

“The fastest human to ride a bicycle over open ground is named Denise Mueller-Korenek, who rode a custom bike at an average of 183.932 miles per hour – shattering a world record that had stood since 1995,” writes Bill Chappell in their recent NPR article entitled “Woman Rides Bicycle To 183.9 MPH — A World Record.”

According to Chappell, “Mueller-Korenek, 45, set the record for fastest speed riding in a slipstream, teaming up with Shea Holbrook, a professional race car driver who piloted a dragster that led the cyclist across the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah.”

"Good job, Mom,’ Mueller-Korenek's son, Daniel, said in a video he recorded as he joined his mother in the finish area on Sunday,” shares Chappell.

"That was rough,’ she said. In addition to getting bounced around at speeds only supercars can aspire to, Mueller-Korenek said the salt dust had entirely coated her throat,” the article continues.

Chappell explains, “The dragster has fairing on the back that essentially looks like a closet, to protect the cyclist from the wind. Behind it, Mueller-Korenek sat on a bike with gearing so steep that she needed to be towed to around 100 mph before taking over under her own power.”

The NPR article continues “The tow rope was released some 1.5 miles into the run, Mueller-Korenek said on Facebook, ‘leaving 3.5 miles in the draft to achieve an average speed for the last mile of 183.9mph (between mile 4 & 5)!"

“Once they finished that phase of the run, the danger of a calamitous fall wasn't over: Holbrook and Mueller-Korenek had to work in tandem to slow down some 70 mph over a final mile, to reach an exit speed of 110 mph,” Chappell explains to readers.

This feat is both remarkable and dangerous, and the speed these world record holders achieved resonated with us immediately.

So many words can be linked to this moment in history.







Your response times to issues and incidents!

We get it; the last one isn’t fascinating.

But, it’s critical!

It’s also incredible how Denise Mueller-Korenek’s shattering of the world record for riding a bike could elicit a response.

And in such a big way.

Not only did it provoke us to talk about your need for fast response times to incidents and issues throughout your property, but it also compelled us to think through everything you need to achieve maximum performance.

It’s enlightening to think about it.

It’s also necessary.

You’re not just riding a figurative “183.9 MPH bicycle” to your next issue or incident.

You’ve got to have everything in place to keep customers safe and alive.

The difference between life and death can be a matter of seconds.

Is your team ready to be that fast?

A Methodology Designed to Achieve World Record Response Times

You know this.

You can’t wake up one day and shatter a world record.

It’s not that easy.


There’s a lot of work involved – tons of prep.

That’s why we developed the Proactive Operations methodology.

Now known to many operations, Proactive Operations is a methodology by which property operations utilize strategy, infrastructure, and technology to achieve maximum performance.

It’s what you need in place to shatter your own records.

With Proactive Operations, your organization can make every second count by responding to issues and incidents in no time.

How does that sound?

Still not sure? Here’s what we mean:

  1. Look at your current strategy using the ACDA Principle™. Identify your operation’s goals, strengths, and weaknesses. Break them down, and then continuously improve your awareness, communication, documentation, and analysis to hit your 183.9 MPH goal of responding to one more issue or incident a little faster each time.
  2. Put an operations center in place – whether it’s static in one location or dynamically operating in multiple locations globally – to organize your personnel and streamline the flow of information moving throughout your operations. Your infrastructure makes your team agile and capable of being in the right place at the right time and without delay.
  3. In 2018, everything happens so fast. You need to respond to issues and incidents that way. The Proactive thing to do is deploy real-time communications software that lets you shatter any existing or previous response time records for your operation. You cannot operate at the required level of performance without technology anymore. That’s a fact!

Go here now to learn more about Proactive Operations.

Over to You

Denise Mueller-Korenek’s shattering of the record for fastest speed riding in a slipstream at 183.9 MPH got us excited to discuss speed, performance, and your ability to respond to issues and incidents faster.

But, we also want to ensure you know how important preparation is in your pursuit. That’s why it’s critical to employ Proactive Operations because it’ll give you all the pillars necessary to achieve the level of performance capable of shattering your own records.

Learn how to make the not-so-giant leap to Proactive Operations

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