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With an Eye Towards Maximum Performance, Proactive Operations Get off the Ground

| August 1, 2019 | By

“Electric cars are all over the roads these days. But what about electric planes?” writes Ari Shapiro in their recent NPR article entitled “With An Eye Toward Lower Emissions, Clean Air Travel Gets Off The Ground.”

According to the article, “Air travel currently accounts for only about 2% of global carbon emissions. But it's expected to grow in the next century, and clean air travel is seen as a key part of slowing global warming.”

"We're expecting to see massive growth. The International Civil Aviation Organization projects upward of 700 percent growth by the middle of the century. So while it is small, it is going to be a larger and larger share," says Umair Irfan in Shapiro’s article, who writes about climate change, energy and the environment for Vox."

Irfan’s data got our attention.

We had an interesting observation – and takeaway – from this article and the information shared about the growth.

Can you see it?

Of course, there’s not a direct correlation, but the growth and the proactive introduction of a solution are aligned with our approach to operations.

Now, do you see it?

Okay, no more hints.

It’s how Proactive Operations got started, and it’s important to know because you’ll quickly understand the need for this methodology off the ground on your property.

Keep reading; we share how it all started below.

That way, you can have context and see how the supercritical framework for operations started.

The Proactive Operations Epiphany

Over the years, we’ve worked with many experts in various industries to help them improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their operation.

We admit; we’re obsessed in our pursuit to understand what’s needed to help our customers achieve success.

From Corporate to Transportation operations, we’ve always worked to discover ways to contribute to the success of every operational function.

What are the fundamental needs of the industry? What’s important and relevant to the experts in each field? What are the collective strengths and weaknesses that they all share? What’s missing?

That’s when we had an epiphany.

Operations across every industry must move away from the reactive mindset they’ve had for years.

It’s time for a proactive approach – one that will evolve with the demands of the environment.

We’ve done just that.

And while our long-term relationships with industry experts have shaped Proactive Operations, it’s their participation and contribution that has ignited a movement.

With Proactive Operations and operations management software, you have the advantage of maximizing your performance, creating memories, and keeping your customers coming back to your property.

So, we guess it’s a bit more than maximum performance alone.

But we’re confident you’re OK with that.


Want to learn more about Proactive Operations? Our must-read, comprehensive resource is here for you to reference, use, and share as much as you’d like.

Over to You

Clean air travel gets off the ground with the expectation of increased global carbon emissions. This proactive introduction of a solution got us thinking you need to act too.

We have a similar epiphany with Proactive Operations. Operations needed it before the reactive approach got out of hand and bad for us all.

Keep your eye towards maximum performance by employing this mission-critical methodology throughout your property.

Learn how to make the not-so-giant leap to Proactive Operations

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