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Treat Every Day Like a Presidential Inauguration

| January 19, 2017 | By

According to Brian Naylor’s recent NPR article entitled “Security Will Be Massive At Trump's Inauguration,” strategy is in place, and major preparations are underway for tomorrow’s presidential inauguration of the 45th President of the United States of America.

Naylor’s article explains, “People planning to watch — or protest — Donald Trump's inauguration festivities next week should prepare to maneuver through lots of security, including thousands of law enforcement personnel, National Guard troops, fences, magnetometers and cement-laden trucks.”

The article continues that, “Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson outlined the massive security preparations on Friday during a briefing at the Multi-Agency Communications Center at a secret location in Virginia.”

“From that room, dozens of representatives from an alphabet soup of different agencies will gather to monitor events starting next Thursday, with a wreath-laying ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery, through next Saturday's prayer service at the Washington National Cathedral,” according to Naylor.

Naylor’s article notes that Johnson expects “700,000 to 900,000 spectators to attend the Inauguration Day ceremonies.”

Of course, an inauguration is a historical event and requires extensive preparation.

But, what got us thinking about your operation is written towards the end of the article.

According to the article, “Johnson said there will be some 28,000 officials dedicated to security for the inauguration, including Department of Homeland Security personnel from the Secret Service, the Transportation Security Administration, and the Coast Guard, as well as police from various departments in Washington, D.C., and from out-of-town, and some 7,800 National Guard troops.”

Sound familiar? The strategy, infrastructure, and technology is like your operation but on a larger scale.

It’s really all relative, though, right? It’s all Proactive Operations.

Proactive Operations Can Make History Too

Let’s think about your property’s operation. We get it; you’re not overseeing the 2017 Presidential Inauguration on a regular basis.

But, people frequent there often. Agree?

What if you could run your operation like you’re running an inauguration?

  • Well executed strategy
  • Streamlined interdepartmental communication
  • Progressive solutions for efficiency

How would this look to your guests?

As we’ve learned from Naylor’s article, there’s a lot of planning that goes into this historical event. But, there’s also a lot that goes into ensuring it concludes without a hitch.

From the initial planning to selecting the secret location of the command center to the deployment of personnel and technology – it takes a village.

It’s Proactive Operations at its finest.

Yes, tomorrow’s inauguration occurs once every four years.

But, what about your operation? These responsibilities occur daily.

Could you execute like this? Do you have the ability to perform at this level every day?

We believe you can.

You can make history every day your operation is charged with delivering a safe and secure environment for guests.

You’ve got to employ Proactive Operations, though.

Here’s why: consistent performance executed at the highest level requires discipline that only a proactive operation is capable of accomplishing.

It’s a fact.

Ambiguous processes, disjointed departments, and legacy solutions don’t thrive. They don’t even survive.

Think about it. Yes, it’s possible to run a single event at an acceptable level. More than likely your operation would survive that one instance.

But, it’s only one. Your operation needs operational stamina.

You’ve got to have a laser focus to pull this off more than once – and every day!

That’s why the world’s best properties rely on and stick to the Proactive Operations methodology.

It’s their livelihood on the line, so they depend on a proven methodology.

Don’t believe us? Check out these proactive operations.

It helps them execute like every day is a Presidential Inauguration…and a walk in the park.

A Presidential Inauguration-Worthy Methodology

Proactive Operations needs to be employed throughout your operation.

It helps you maintain consistency and effectiveness from inception. Your team will only know how to operate at one level – the highest level.

Think about what preparation for the inauguration entails. Now, think about your operation and what you need to get done.

Those actions completed for the inauguration are the same.

You need Proactive Operations:

  1. Devise a strategy for delivering a safe and secure experience for guests that goes off without a hitch.
  2. Develop an infrastructure to streamline communication amongst departments, but also to withstand outside threats from impacting performance.
  3. Deploy technology to empower your personnel with first-class solutions for maximum efficiency.

Employ Proactive Operations, stick to the framework and gain the ability to run your operation like every day is your historic event.

Want the best insight on Proactive Operations and how you can run your operation like an inauguration – every day? Read this comprehensive article.

Over to You

Tomorrow’s a day we’ll never forget. It’s a part of history.

For your operation, you hold the power to determine whether the memories your guests have each day are positive or negative.

Show your guests you run your property like every day is a presidential inauguration. Use strategy, infrastructure, and technology to be that proactive operation they deserve.

Are you ready to make history with Proactive Operations?

Learn how to employ Proactive Operations using strategy, infrastructure & technology.

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