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The Quest to Prove Your Operation Is Terribly Reactive

, , | February 7, 2019 | By

“Last fall, Corey Chase drove 6,000 miles around his state to ground-truth what every Vermonter with a cell phone knows: there are many, many places in the state where you simply can't get a signal, not to mention the 5 megabits per second data download speeds the carriers were claiming,” writes John Dillon in their recent NPR article entitled “One Man's Quest To Prove Vermont Has Terrible Cell Service.”

According to the article, “The six-week effort involved six cell phones, a state-owned Prius and an app from a software developer in Bulgaria.”

“What Chase, a Vermont Department of Public Service employee, found is now part of a detailed challenge before the Federal Communications Commission that officials hope will bring federal dollars into the state to improve the wireless network,” explains Dillon.

The NPR piece continues that “Chase, a telecommunications infrastructure specialist, drove the equivalent of Montpelier to Los Angeles and back. But his windshield time was along state roads and through town and village centers, at a slow pace of 40 mph. And occasionally he found himself on no road at all.”

"There's apparently a road that goes from Stamford to Bennington. I tried to take said road, and there's a state-government printed sign on the road that says: 'Your GPS is wrong, turn around now,” said Chase, according to Dillon’s article.

“Although Chase saw lots of beautiful sights and foliage driving around the state, his excursion was really a massive data collection project,” Dillon clarifies.

Data collection?

Looking at the weakness in the infrastructure?

While the title of Dillon’s article alone intrigued us, this undertaking hit home.

We see lessons for property operations worldwide.

So many lessons: complacency, change management, identifying your weaknesses, and most important, recognizing that your operation is terrible reactive.

We need to change that.

But, as you’ve seen with Chase’s mission, that requires a lot of time spent collecting data and going places you’re not necessarily comfortable going.

Are you ready to do what’s needed to be proactive?

Reconfiguring Operations to Be Proactive

For over a decade now, we’ve worked with many experts in various industries to help them improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their operation.

We admit; we’re obsessed in our pursuit.

It’s our purpose to understand what’s needed to help our customers achieve success.

From Corporate to Entertainment to Healthcare to Transportation operations, we’ve always worked to discover ways to contribute to the success of every operational function.

  • What are the fundamental needs of the industry?
  • What’s important and relevant to the experts in each field?
  • What are the collective strengths and weaknesses that they all share?
  • What’s missing?

That’s when we had an epiphany.

Operations across every industry must move away from the terribly reactive mindset they’ve had for years.

It’s time for a proactive approach – one that will evolve with the demands of the environment.

We’ve done just that.

Now, while our long-term relationships with industry experts have shaped Proactive Operations, it’s their participation and contribution that has ignited a movement.

With Proactive Operations, inclusive of operations management software, you have the advantage of maximizing your performance, creating memories, and keeping your customers coming back to your property.

Question: are you ready to prove to yourself, your team, and your boss that your current operation is terribly reactive?

If so, and we hope that’s the case, you’ll need to learn everything you can about Proactive Operations to begin scrutinizing your operation.

Go here to learn everything you can about Proactive Operations right now.

Then, let us know how we can help.

Over to You

One of the greatest challenges faced by operations is recognizing their complacency and the weaknesses that flow throughout the operation. It’s often a tough pill to swallow but something you must face – even if it means driving 6,000 miles around Vermont.

We’re sure you have a gut feeling there are deficiencies in your operation. There’s a chance it is terribly reactive. But you can work to fix that. Start with the lessons in this article. Then, tap into the resource we provide to learn everything you can about how Proactive Operations can help you be proactive.

Learn how to make the not-so-giant leap to Proactive Operations

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