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Proactive Operations Now (And Always) Seen as Critical for Safety

| July 18, 2019 | By

“One afternoon three years ago, Chelsey Vance decided to go for a walk. She took some ibuprofen before she left her Nashville, Tenn., apartment. She didn't know then that she was allergic to the medication,” writes Abigail Clukey in their recent NPR article entitled “Once Considered Creepy, Location Apps Now Seen As Critical For Safety, Logistics.”

Clukey continues, “About halfway down the trail, she felt like she was going to faint. Vance sent her roommate her location through iMessage and asked the roommate to come pick her up. She soon began fading in and out of consciousness as she went into anaphylactic shock.”

"I could feel my throat closing up, and I couldn't see anything. I couldn't find my phone to call 911, because I guess I dropped it when I was passing out," Vance says in the NPR piece.

“Because her roommate had her exact location, the roommate was able to find Vance quickly and call an ambulance. Vance credits the location-sharing service as the reason she's alive today. She now uses apps like Find My Friends to share her location with her boyfriend and close friends indefinitely, so they can find her immediately in case anything like that happens again,” Clukey explains.

According to the article, “Vance's story exemplifies one of the most obvious purposes of location sharing: safety. But it's used much more often in nonemergency situations. Modern relationships have become defined by the constant communication enabled by smartphones. Josh Constine, editor at large of the website TechCrunch, said constant checking-in through location sharing is the next natural step.”

We think so too.

And, of course, you know that anything related to safety will catch our attention.

This article resonated quickly.

Keep reading; we’re going to share why.


Location apps don’t strike us as the critical takeaway in this article.

It’s the concept of proactivity.

It’s important for you yo know all the various forms and channels available to ensure the safety of your customers and staff.

From checking-in on customers to identifying hotspots for issues and incidents to knowing how to anticipate needs are a few of the ways, you can keep people safe.

That’s why we know Proactive Operations works for proactive leaders.

It not only gives you the wherewithal or effective capabilities but also drives you to follow a framework that leads to consistent habits that keep people safe.

Safety requires many forms of proactivity.


We’re sure you could evaluate Chelsey’s story carefully to find pieces that resonate with your operation and customers.

We get it; there’s no direct link.

But the context surrounding the story gives you an insightful perspective on how someone’s safety is affected by chosen actions, controlled and uncontrolled actions, third-party interaction, and unforeseen variables.

It’s quite eye-opening as you think critically about it for a moment.

Are you employing Proactive Operations to keep your customers and staff safe?


Here’s what you need to know now if you’re new to the Proactive Operations methodology.

Proactive Operations is a methodology by which property operations utilize strategy, infrastructure, and technology to achieve maximum performance.

With Proactive Operations, your organization can manage everything that occurs to ensure a safe and memorable experience for your customers.

Unlike reactive operations, Proactive Operations provides you a disciplined framework for streamlining processes, resources, personnel, information, and communication.

By continuously examining, improving, and optimizing your operation, you program your ability to manage everything 24/7 365 – proactively.

Safety is a part of Proactive Operations

That’s why it’s important for you to learn everything you can about it here, and then let us help you employ this methodology throughout your high-performing operation.

Trust us; we’re here to help you – it’s critical for safety.


Originally looked at as creepy, location apps are now seen as critical for safety. We understand the value. But what we acknowledge even more so from Chelsey Vance’s story, is the need for multiple forms of proactivity.

By reading the context of Vance’s story, we’re confident you can recognize, understand, and jumpstart the necessary habits required by Proactive Operations to ensure the critical safety of your customers and staff.

Learn how to make the not-so-giant leap to Proactive Operations

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