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Proactive Operations Are Obsessed With Cleanliness & Risk

| April 2, 2020 | By

Life as we know it has changed.

You’re probably working from home.

But your property remains.

It’s sitting there waiting for you, your team, and all your customers to return.

And while it seems empty, it’s not.

Uninvited microscopic visitors are making themselves at home.

They’re sitting, waiting, and anticipating the very people you’re charged with protecting – ready to make them sick.

Your responsibility continues.

But like we said, it has changed.

Your focus of responsibility is different today than it was two weeks ago.

Protecting everyone means keeping your property clean.

Let’s be straight.

Uncleanliness now might cost untold litigation expenses.


Proactive operations know this.

You need to be obsessed with cleanliness and risk.

This relationship matters more than ever.


Cleanliness, cleanliness, and…uncleanliness.

It’s all we’ve been thinking about lately.

Well, now it’s time to focus on the effect.

That’s Risk, risk, and risk.

The action of whether you keep your property up to snuff – and can prove it with accurate documentation – or not will lead the associated outcome.

Which side of this do you want to be on then?

It’s essential to focus on this while you’re not inundated with other projects and tasks.

Keeping your property clean right now means reducing your risk for when people return.

Use your software solution to support this initiative.

We recently published two posts you should check out:

  1. How to Combat Property Uncleanliness – Now
  2. Use Your CMMS to Augment This Sanitation Best Practice

These will help, and we’ve got more coming.

We must support you through this time.

But we can’t rest on our laurels.

There is still work that needs to be done.

And this work could save lives and your organization’s bottom line.


We get it.

Getting things done, especially at scale, is often easier said than done.

It requires buy-in from stakeholders, accountability, and discipline.

We’ve provided helpful ideas (and there’s more where that can from) above to position your team to support property cleanliness and, most importantly, risk reduction.

But you need more.

You need to program your operation to manage everything in this new environment – for as long as it lasts.

You need a disciplined framework for streamlining processes, resources, personnel, information, and communication.

You need to employ Proactive Operations.

And you need it now.

The beauty is you can jumpstart all of this from your home office.

Proactive Operations is a methodology by which property operations utilize strategy, infrastructure, and technology to achieve maximum performance.

With Proactive Operations, your organization can manage everything that occurs to ensure a safe and memorable experience for your customers.

That’s what your goal is now.

You’re just shifting it to match the current operational environment.

Learn more about how Proactive Operations can help program your ability to manage everything 24/7 365 – proactively.

For example, ‘infrastructure’ doesn’t mean everyone must be on your property to be obsessed with and contribute to the cleanliness and risk reduction efforts.

Proactive Operations promotes Agile Operations.

Here’s what we mean, and then you run with this obsession your way:

  • Your organization might consist of one property in one location or many properties spread around the globe. That doesn’t matter. Today’s infrastructure is designed for agile operations where personnel can manage multiple properties from anywhere in the world. Your operations management software helps guarantee physical location never affects performance.

Now, let’s be Proactive!


Life and operations have changed. But it’s all still critical to maintain. There’s just a shift in focus today. You might be working from home, but your property remains. Uninvited microscopic visitors are waiting on your property to make someone sick. You can’t let that happen.

Proactive Operations are obsessed with cleanliness and how it affects their long-term risk. Why? Uncleanliness now might cost untold litigation expenses. You need to control the outcome. Use the helpful resources we provide in this post and Proactive Operations to protect people and your organization’s bottom line.

Learn how to make the not-so-giant leap to Proactive Operations

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