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Is Your Operation as Good as It Gets?

, , | February 14, 2019 | By

“A wire fox terrier named King has taken the crown at the 143rd Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. He's the 15th wire fox terrier to win "Best in Show,” writes Matthew S. Schwartz in their recent NPR article entitled “It's Good To Be King: Wire Fox Terrier Wins Westminster Dog Show.”

"You know, I love you all,’ said Best in Show judge Peter Green as he stood in front of the finalists. ‘Every one of you.’ Then Green, who spent years honing his own craft as a professional dog handler to terriers, raised his arm and pointed at the dog he apparently loved the most. ‘He's best in show," shares Schwartz.

According to the NPR article, “The 7-year-old King is ‘as good as it gets,’ Green said, according to USA Today. ‘The head, the expression. Everything is really, really as good as it gets. And then the handler has him in perfect condition," explains Schwartz.

"I look at King, he's like a beautiful painting, a piece of art,’ King's handler, Gabriel Rangel, said earlier in the day. ‘The way he stands and performs, he's the whole package," the piece continues.

Kudos to King and his handler, Gabriel, for a remarkable victory.

It certainly got us thinking about one thing.

Is your operation “as good as it gets” or can it be improved?

Can you get better?

We believe you can, and that’s because your operational environment is always changing.

It’s always evolving.

That requires you to rethink what being as good as it gets is – every day.

Now, that’s not a bad thing or something you cannot handle.

But, you need to have the right mindset, fierce discipline, and a proven methodology engrained into your operation, all the way from your team’s behavior to your processes to the technology you use.

Keep reading; we’ll explain.

Why Your Operation is Not Good Enough

We’ve got to look at your current operation before you start making changes, improvements, and then optimizations to your property’s operation.

We understand that’s not always the easy part.

Why do you think so many operations are stuck operating status quo?

No one is taking on the tall task of change management.

Someone needs to make an effect.

Is that you?

Nothing is happening in your organization that acts as the impetus to move your operation from a reactive one to a proactive one.

It’s a problem, yes.

But it’s not a problem you cannot fix.

The first step – acknowledge this deficiency.

Then, work hard to fix it.

And here’s the thing: you’re probably the person your operation needs to turn everything around and get the train rolling, and in the right direction.

Are you up for that challenge?

Don’t worry, though. We can and want to help!

Proactive Operations Continue to Achieve “as Good as It Gets”

You’ve probably noticed that we don’t say proactive operations are as good as it gets.

This statement goes back to the previous section.

You’re not as good as it gets when you're complacent.

When you’re not changing.

But, the same goes for when you hit that level of maximum performance.

You’ve got to be ‘proactive’ in your efforts every day.

It never ends.

You’ve got to keep pushing.


You could have everything humming today, but because the operational environment is ever changing with:

  • Smarter criminals
  • Progressive technology
  • Changing needs of customers and other stakeholders
  • So on and so forth

You don’t stop.

You keep following your framework, stay disciplined, and employ Proactive Operations to ensure you continue being as good as it gets.

  • Understand the fundamental needs of your industry.
  • Know what’s important and relevant in your field.
  • Recognize the strengths and weaknesses throughout your industry, like properties, and internally across your departments and personnel.
  • See that the needs and expectations of your customers change.

We get it; it’s a lot easier to operate at the status quo, right?

No, it’s not.

Especially not in the long run, because all the deficiencies you’re avoiding now will come back and show you themselves in your operation.

That’ll prove one thing:

It’s not as good as it gets – it’s not even good enough.

You can avoid this by employing Proactive Operations today.

Check out our comprehensive resource on the methodology right here.

Stop being reactive, and start being proactive with Proactive Operations.

How does that sound?

That sounds like “Best in Show.”

Over to You

A wire fox terrier named King offers operations insight on being as good as it gets. The 7-year-old, “Best in Show,” got us thinking about your long-term performance and whether you can be “as good as it gets.” Many operations continue to operate at the status quo.

Change is nowhere around the bend. That’s a reactive mindset and demonstrates why your operation might not be good enough ever. Changing that requires dedication to a framework, a way of thinking, a chosen methodology to achieve what’s needed today while ensuring that your operation can continue to evolve. You need to continue being that good. Proactive Operations can help.

Learn how to employ Proactive Operations using strategy, infrastructure & technology.

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