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Is your command center inundated with too much information?

, | July 13, 2022 | By

An overload of information coming in through various communication channels can be dizzying and leave you feeling scattered.

You're not alone.

While the goal is to use all the tools at our disposal to improve fan experiences, the result can be an onslaught of information that feels like it's coming from all directions.

New analytics solutions bring more things to our attention than ever before.

But in a busy command center, it is difficult to know who, or what to listen to first.

It seems like every solution in the venue has become ‘smart’.

Everything from parking solutions, weapons detection, and ticket scanning, to video management, access controls, and credentialing come with their own set of ‘smart’ alerts or complicated ‘analytics’ systems.

As a result, security and fan experience teams can receive hundreds of alerts per hour, across a dozen different systems.

It’s often difficult to make sense of the noise.

A better solution is an Incident Management System that is integrated into each of these systems and can identify the alerts you need to know about and place them in the dispatch queue automatically.

You Don’t Need the IMS to Find More Problems, just the Right  Problems

An operator shared a story with us about their experiences using a ‘smart’ video management system that incorporated analytics and alerts.

During one game the VMS generated over 250 alerts!

But the dispatcher knew that just five of those were actual instances where an incident would need to be created.

He asked, “what if the system knew which alerts to filter out, and could pass those into the IMS or CMMS?”

So we asked, “what would a better dispatch queue look like?”

Using ‘smart’ technologies can create the risk of making the problem worse before we make it better.

One head of security at a large venue once told us, “I don’t need the system to find me more problems.”

And he’s right.

But what if the system found the issues you are looking for?

And what if it found them sooner?

And what if it automatically entered them into the IMS or CMMS and prefilled most of the fields for you, saving precious time for your dispatcher?

On top of all that, what if it could also be integrated into workflow management so you could automate assignments and put issues directly into the hands of responders?

This is the promise of automated and integrated dispatch queues.

How to Make Technology Deliver on Its Promise

Automating incident and work order creation is just the beginning.

There is a wide range of technologies deployed at venues that can tell us things about fan behavior and facility operations.

Parking systems, ticket scans, and weapons detection tell us about fan ingress into a venue.

Video management systems, access control systems, IoT sensors, point of sale systems, credentialing, and visitor management systems tell us about fan behavior and people movement within the venue.

Ticketing systems, CRM systems, credentialing and visitor management systems, and HR and payroll systems can tell us about the identity of all individuals at an event.

The data from these systems can be used to understand when issues arise, when they are responded to, and when they are resolved.

Additionally, they can provide information that becomes evidence when issues are handed off for litigation or for handling by law enforcement.

We will talk about that more in our next blog!

Be Proactive Against Excessive Alerts by Incorporating IMS and CMMS Automation Integrations

Using incident management software, teams can respond quickly and effectively by being notified of updates as they happen.

Some incredible automation technologies that can work well with a command center’s IMS or CMMS solution could include:

  • Titan HST – a 24/7 Software Partner, and an emergency management as mass communication tool, with the integration into 24/7 Software automates incidents for mass communications and create one system for viewing the Dispatch Queue
  • GP PRO a 24/7 Software Partner, a restroom automation solution, with a pending integration from their KOLO Smart Monitoring System into 24/7 Software automates work order creation, updates, and resolution from restroom sensors, as well as improves housekeeping efficiency and situational awareness.
  • Avigilon – a Video Management System, with the pending integration into 24/7 Software automates incident creation from video analytics, evidence collection of video streams, and creates situational awareness from dashboards
  • Ungerboeck – an event management solution, with the pending integration into 24/7 Software automates work order creation from tasks in the system, and has one central hub for handling tasks and work orders for larger and smaller events

These automation integrations can provide command center team members with the right information at the right time.

This increases productivity to accomplish more tasks in a shorter amount of time.

Over to You

If you feel overwhelmed by all the alerts and notifications coming in from your command center, we have the perfect solution to help.

24/7 Software offers solutions such as an Incident Management System, a CMMS, as well integration technology that will help your teams develop a truly proactive operations strategy.

With 24/7 Software you'll be able to manage all your alerts and notifications in one central location to stay informed about all the incidents happening at your venue.

To keep up with the latest technology and safety measures, we recommend that Security teams visit our website at

On our website, you'll find tips and tricks on how to keep up with best practices for utilizing an IMS and/or CMMS with automation integrations.

If you have specific questions about how automation may improve your 24/7 Software experience, please feel free to reach out to our VP of Product, Analytics & Integrations, Matthew Dobrosevic at

Learn how to build your incident management infrastructure

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