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Incident Management & Guard Tour Systems Reinforce Security Operations

, , | November 19, 2020 | By

Security operations are evolving due to the increasing demand for progressive technology and more effective security guards.

Criminals are getting smarter, and the industry as a whole is becoming more sophisticated.

What do you do to keep up?

You might be thinking:

How can incident management and guard tour software augment your operation so you can keep up?

We're going to show you.

In today's article on strengthening security operations, we've identified four examples of scenarios where an incident management and guard tour system can improve your staff's ability to handle incidents.

Let's begin.

Overcoming the Obstacles Associated with Not Using Incident Management and Guard Tour Systems for Your Security Operation

Professional security operations start with training.

Improving the training process is done through the use of solutions that reduce the presence of mistakes.


Well-trained guards execute more effectively.

Developing their professional foundation is critical to your mission.

Incident management and guard tour systems give you the ability to achieve your goals and Proactive Operations.

It gets better:

These systems talk to one another.

We bring this up because your software solutions need to work together to improve your team's performance.

Combine the process and results of security tours with the digital recording of incidents to reduce human error.

What else does this do?

It improves accountability across your operation.

Consider this:

A guard records details from a mobile device.

The details are then immediately recorded into your incident management system.

Most professional security operations introduce solutions to enhance the safety of their security guards.

How do they do this?

Detailed and laser-focused training.

Safety is your goal.

Software solutions that make your staff's job less stressful can also increase performance.

It'll also position your operation with credibility as an industry leader.

Let's take a moment to put things into perspective.

What are the current issues faced by security operations?

Where do your current solutions fall short?

  • Do you have confusing procedures, processes, or policies? Any of these barriers limit efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Do you have insufficient resources? Lack of resources inhibits your staff's ability to respond to incidents on time, or worse, prevents them from responding at all. Incidents are being overlooked and mishandled.
  • Do you have inaccurate documentation? This is huge and will lead to increase liability and will negatively impact your operation's future effectiveness. Let's face it, incorrect documentation begins the blame game, and lots of attention becomes focused on the wrong things. This is too costly.
  • Does your communication suffer from excessive radio traffic and chatter? Your staff's ability to communicate is crucial, so when your communication channels are needlessly clogged, it's time for some improvements.

You must understand:

Your security operation's long-term performance and success is a direct result of your staff's ability to respond to incidents quickly, provide complete and accurate digital records, pass essential tour items, and counter impending hazards when necessary.

Like we said earlier in this article, we're going to show you how you can.

Are you ready to move your security operation in the right direction?

Very Possible Real-World Scenarios Where Security Operations Use Progressive Solutions

We always strive to give you data and information you can use.

We hope this helps to put things into perspective.

Below we've defined four situations where putting security software into place can change any outcome for the better.

1. "You’re fired! Now you’re security’s problem.”

An employee at your property has been terminated.

It’s security’s job to escort the disgruntled employee off the premises.

Security will need the name and ID of the person to escort off the property.

How does the supervisor communicate this information to the staff?

Without a solution in place:

The supervisor might search the property for the guards.

They may or may not locate someone in a reasonable timeframe.

However, when using an incident reporting system, the supervisor can attach the photo identification and make a few clicks within the system.

The information is sent to the guard’s mobile device, where they immediately acknowledge receipt of the details.

2. Avoid Noah’s Ark During Routine Patrols

One of your staff identifies broken plumbing and possible water damage during an overnight security patrol at one of your properties.

It gets worse:

Water begins flooding the property.

How does the guard handle this situation?

If you don’t have any solutions in place, they’ll search the property looking for the water stoppage valve.

It might be like looking for a needle in a haystack.


They’ll attempt to contact someone to locate the shut off valve.

Mind you; water continues to flood the premises while this is happening.

Extensive water damage is a guarantee at this point.


If you had a solution in place, things would be much different.

Your guard can input the incident into your incident reporting software and see the appropriate protocol to handle.

They’ll quickly identify how to shut off the water and where the stoppage valve is located.

It gets even better:

With a quick response to the incident, everything is handled in only a few minutes.

Maybe even less than two.

By using a mobile device, your staff can also take pictures of the broken pipe.

This does a couple of things:

  1. Provides documentation of the incident and the faulty equipment
  2. Verifies that your staff conducted their patrol at its scheduled time

How’s that for peace of mind?

3. Put Time on Your Side, Not Against You

We get it:

Your customers have certain expectations of performance that your operation needs to uphold.

It’s vital that you and your staff quickly adapt to ever-changing procedural requests.

Take this, for example:

Your client sends your off-property management team a significant amendment to current post orders.

This changes everything!

How does your management team handle this?

Standard operating procedures for this property are greatly affected.

It gets worse:

Your client requires all guards on staff to be immediately advised and operational.

No exceptions.

The next shift starts in 15 minutes.

Your management team MUST act quickly to resolve.

If you’re not using a solution, management will more than likely make a copy and send it off with a mobile supervisor.

In reality, you wouldn’t have much choice.

There are too many details to explain over the phone to many guards.

They arrive on site 30 minutes after the start of the shift.

Do you want to experience this type of stress continuously?

Then put in place a progressive solution for your security operation to excel.

When you put a solution in place, this happens:

Your management team efficiently amends any current protocols in your software.

They make a few clicks, and security guards receive notification for the newly updated protocols directly to their mobile devices or tablets.

Time is money.

Your operation depends on it, and safety is where it always counts.

Trust us, your peace of mind depends on it too.

4. What’s Your Worst Nightmare?

You might agree:

If you’d ask any security guard, their worst nightmare would probably be experiencing a horrific crime while on duty.

It could be worse too.

It could be towards the end of their overnight shift.


They’re exhausted, ready to go home, and certainly counting the minutes until 7 a.m.

With an hour to go, they witness an armed robbery that results in the victim being assaulted.

Although the guard is trained according to certification standards, they panic.

With no time to hesitate and no solution in place, they quickly call your management office to speak with one of your supervisors.

Dispatch never responds to the incident.

At this point, your guard is unsure of what to do.

They don’t know how to take proper action with this scenario – at all.

They’re disoriented and unable to respond effectively, efficiently, and expeditiously.

Now…for the game-changer:

With your solution in place, they don’t hesitate one second.

Why? They’re focused and know what to do…

  1. They quickly reach for their tablet used for mobile incident reporting.
  2. They input the incident into the device in seconds.
  3. The protocols to handle this situation populate, and they take action immediately.

They can document the attack's details, attach video and pictures to the incident report – capturing the suspect as they flee the scene.

Save lives and protect your brand using incident reporting solutions.

It’s that easy.

Over to You

Now you see how incident management and guard tour systems can reinforce security operations.

We’ve provided you with real-life scenarios you might be faced with down the road. We know there are more, and we’d love for you to share them with your peers and us.

As these types of scenarios demand innovative solutions, it’s our job to provide you with the insight to do your job just a little better than yesterday.

So, are you going to put these solutions in place to ensure the safety of the people you protect?

Editor's note: This post was originally published in August 2015 and has been updated for comprehensiveness and freshness.

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