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How to Declare Independence From Inefficiency With a Unified Solution

, | July 4, 2017 | By

Today, we celebrate our independence.

Some of us celebrate Independence Day in the United States. But, all of us will be celebrating our independence from inefficiency by the end of this article.


We’re tired of inefficiencies that slow down and prevent good property operations from becoming the world’s greatest.

From one tool to run guest services to another tool to report incidents, to an entirely different tool for running your facility maintenance.

The list goes on, but we hope not much longer.

Are you running your property this way? What does it do to your team? How does your boss feel knowing they’re paying for several different systems that don’t even talk to one another?

It’s time for a unified solution.

Today is the day you declare your independence from the inefficiencies of using individual tools so you can finally employ Proactive Operations.

Are you ready to set off some high-flying fireworks as you declare your independence?

Let’s do it!

Secede from the Nation of Inefficiency, Then Unify

The not-so-secret recipe to implementing Proactive Operations throughout your property is your ability to be proactive.

Is this obvious? Then, why are so many operations still struggling to achieve this?

You’re using too many different software tools to run your property’s operations.

How proactive can a team be when your technology is causing you to overextend yourself and ultimately break down from lack of awareness, communication, documentation, and analysis?

You can’t be very proactive at all, can you?

  • Use of legacy software limits you
  • Managing too many tools prevent seamlessness
  • Discrepancies with information diminish data integrity
  • Unaligned teams lead to substantial communication issues
  • Poor communication puts everyone on a different wavelength

These are problems that are easy to identify, but it’s the ones you don’t even know exist that cripple your organization.

Do you know how to fix this? Move to unified technology.

It will allow you to employ Proactive Operations across all departments. That way, you don’t miss a beat.

Deploy unified technology. Create a unified organization. Achieve Proactive Operations.

What Are the Key Attributes of a Unified Solution?

Now, you’re probably itching to know what ‘unified’ entails.

There are two primary attributes of a unified solution that will change the way your operation functions.

  1. Similar modules to talk to one another
  2. Link records to other associated records

Let us explain.

1. Similar modules to talk to one another

You gain exceptional skills when you remove the concept of individual tools from your strategy.

You produce a unique operation whereby all functional departments work together to achieve your desired outcome: running a proactive operation.

Consider this; you have three tools:

  1. Text Communication
  2. Incident Management System
  3. CMMS

Independently, they work fine. Each system is web-based and offers quite a bit of functionality and flexibility for departmental teams.

But, they are from different vendors, and each of your departments utilizes the systems separately.

A disjointed operation creates inefficiencies you can’t afford.

Then, let’s bring them together as one solution.

A top-notch solution will give you the ability to coordinate between related modules.

Here’s what we mean:

Let’s say several guests witness a fight on your property.

During the dispute, each witness sends a text message to your Text Communication module.

The first text message received reports the fight.

Your dispatcher sends the incident from this module to your Incident Management System (IMS) – within seconds.

Once the incident is passed to the IMS, you receive another incident report from your frontline staff via their Incident Management Mobile App.

This report notes that several guests have sustained injuries during the fight.

From the dispatch queue, you must dispatch all need-to-know teams:

  1. Fire Rescue
  2. Police
  3. Housekeeping

Staff arrives on-scene, and after the incident calms down, a Supervisor confirms there is broken furniture that Engineering needs to attend to at some point.

After filling out the critical details in your IMS dispatch queue, your dispatcher sends the details over to the CMMS by creating a work order from the dispatch queue.

Yes, right then and there, in present time, this information can be passed off to maintenance in a format that is actionable and trackable.

The maintenance team might not be able to handle this fix immediately. But, it’s critical that they are aware, so they can take care of it following your event.

How is this for a unified operation?

This is what you need. But, there’s more.

2. Link records to other associated records

Do you recall the report made by your frontline staff regarding injuries from the fight?

Well, that incident was initially entered into the IMS as a separate incident.

But, in these solutions, you can link this medical incident to the main incident for the fight.

This ability is simple.

  • It ensures that nothing ever slips through the cracks.
  • It allows your team to connect the dots on the fly.
  • It helps you review the incident at a later time without worrying whether you’re missing the whole story.

It doesn’t end here either.

Now, a wheelchair request is sent into your Request Tracking Software from a supervisor. (Another module in your solution.)

The wheelchair request was for a bystander that was injured from the fight. The aftermath is not too bad, but they did suffer a sprained ankle.

Showing them how your world-class organization delivers the first-class service they expect, you’re escorting them to their car in a wheelchair that was promptly provided to them. 

Go ahead and connect this particular request to the incident record as well. Get the full picture and have complete control of your operation.

Use one solution that lets you achieve every level of efficiency you need.

Over to You

Celebrate your independence today.

But don’t forget that inefficiency has its way of retaking control. So, use a unified solution that will keep your freedom alive forever.

Learn how to make the not-so-giant leap to Proactive Operations

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