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How Live Mapping Software Can Help Collegiate Stadiums Track Incidents

, | June 21, 2022 | By

Collegiate stadiums are a hotbed for activity, and with large crowds comes the potential for emergencies.

Stadiums need to be able to track incidents quickly and clearly to respond as efficiently as possible.

Live Mapping software can help collegiate stadiums do just that by giving them a live view of the situation inside and outside of the stadium. 

Stadiums can better understand and manage any potential safety hazards by providing live updates of activity on the field and in the stands.

While this technology has been used by professional sports teams for some time now, it is only recently becoming more commonplace in collegiate stadiums.

This growing trend is likely due to technological advances that have made live mapping software more accessible and easier to use. 

This software can help stadium personnel keep track of where people are located and what is happening at all times, which can be vital in emergencies.

What is Live Mapping Software?

Live mapping software is used to overlay your facility map right onto Google Maps.

These maps can be used to track your incidents visually in real-time.

This can be used for events, shows, conferences, or any other situation where it is important to have up-to-date information about what is happening.

It can also help people stay safe during an emergency by providing accurate information about where help is needed.

Organize and visualize your incidents based on Incident Type, Status or Department.

Emergency responders, police officers, and security teams use this software in combined with the Incident Management System. 

How Live Mapping Helps Collegiate Stadiums Track Incidents

Collegiate stadiums are constantly trying to track incidents more clearly to keep their students and fans safe.

However, it can be difficult to keep track of everything with so many people coming and going.

Here are a few steps that can help collegiate stadiums track incidents more clearly:

Implement a Ticketing System

With the college games season in full swing, stadiums are seeing an increased number of fans attending games.

To ensure the safety of all attendees, many collegiate stadiums are implementing ticketing systems that track incidents.

These systems work by scanning tickets as people enter and exit the stadium.

If an incident occurs, security personnel can quickly identify who was involved and take appropriate action.

By using a ticketing system, such as an Incident Management System, stadiums can help ensure the safety of their fans and maintain a positive environment for everyone.

Create a Designated Area for Emergencies

Emergency response is an important part of collegiate stadium safety, but it can be difficult to track all the incidents during games and other events.

By creating a designated area for emergencies, stadiums can more easily track and respond to any incidents.

This can help improve the safety of everyone in the stadium.

A designated emergency response area should be marked and easily accessible.

It should be close to the exits so that people can get out quickly if necessary, and it should be staffed by personnel trained in emergency response.

The area should also be equipped with the necessary supplies and equipment to handle any emergency.

Use Conversations to Communicate with Fans

Collegiate stadiums may be using messaging software to help track incidents during games.

By utilizing a messaging software, such as 24/7 Software’s Conversations platform, they can better understand what is happening in the stands and respond more quickly.

It was difficult to track and monitor incidents in the past because there was no central location for all of that information.

Stadiums would have to go through different channels, such as police reports, security footage, and eyewitness accounts, to try and piece together what happened.

Create a Standard Definition for What Should Be Tracked

There is no one standard definition for what should be tracked for collegiate stadium incidents.

Each school has its policies and procedures in place, which can make tracking and compiling data difficult.

To help with this, we suggest creating a standard definition for what should be tracked.

This would include things like assaults, arrests, and other major incidents.

Having a standard definition in place would make it easier for schools to track and compile data and compare data between schools.

Create a Tracking System That Is Easy to Use

One of the most important aspects to consider is safety when it comes to collegiate stadiums.

And to ensure that safety, it is important to have a system in place that can track any incidents that may occur.

This way, stadium staff can quickly and easily address any issues.

Fortunately, there are a number of different tracking systems available that are easy to use.

Live Mapping for IMS is a fantastic solution.

It is a cloud-based platform that allows stadiums to monitor incidents live as they occur. 

Use a Cloud-Based Safety Management System

Most collegiate stadiums are required to track and report any incidents that take place on their property.

This can be a daunting task, but it is made much easier with the help of a cloud-based safety management system.

24/7 Software’s Live Mapping cloud-based safety management system allows stadium personnel to track and report incidents in real-time.

This makes the job easier, but it also ensures that all incidents are reported quickly and accurately.

Create Standard Operating Procedures for Dealing with Emergencies

Emergency management is one of the most important aspects of event planning.

By having standard operating procedures (SOPs) for emergencies, collegiate stadiums can track incidents and ensure that everyone involved knows what to do.

SOPs should include information on handling different types of emergencies, such as weather-related incidents or medical emergencies.

They should also include a system for tracking and reporting emergencies and protocols for evacuating the stadium in the event of an emergency.

Over to You

24/7 Software provides Live Mapping software to help collegiate stadiums track incidents more clearly within their IMS.

With our software, stadiums can see real-time updates on where incidents are happening, making it easier to respond quickly.

Visit our website to learn more about how our software can help your stadium.

Learn how to build your incident management infrastructure

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