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Give Your Customers a Really Special Experience like This Girl Did

| September 27, 2018 | By

“Introduced as ‘tiny but mighty,’ 7-year-old Malea Emma Tjandrawidjaja stepped up to the mic before an LA Galaxy soccer match Sunday night and belted out a version of the national anthem that stunned the crowd of 25,000,” writes Shannon Van Sant in their recent NPR article entitled “7-Year-Old Girl Belts Out National Anthem, Steals Show At MLS Match.”

“Her rendition has since gone viral on social media,” the article continues.

"I was thinking that I cannot do anything wrong because it's a really special song to America," the 3-foot-9-inch youngster told ABC News, shares Van Sant.

According to the NPR piece, “Malea Emma said she didn't know she would be performing at the MLS match in Los Angeles until last week. The Galaxy held a contest on social media to find someone to sing the anthem, according to ABC — and when Malea Emma's father told her she had won, she was overjoyed.”

“The little girl with the big voice has wanted to sing since she was 1 and started lessons when she was 3, according to The Washington Post. ‘She's been singing forever, basically before she could speak,’ her father, Arman Tjandrawidjaja, told USA Today. ‘Sometimes we have to tell her to be quiet,” writes Van Sant.

Did you get a chance to watch the video?

Check it out!

She’s got a lot of heart when she sings – it gave us chills.

And, something she said when interviewed really hit home for us.

"I was thinking that I cannot do anything wrong because it's a really special song to America," she told ABC News.

This simple statement means a lot to us.

We’re always working our hardest to help you provide your customers with a special experience.

We know you think about how you “cannot do anything wrong” often.

It probably keeps you up at night, often.

Let’s change that, so your customers start belting their appreciation for your proactivity.

Keep reading; we’re going to share how the Proactive Operations methodology can help you deliver a really special experience for customers – all of the time.

A Really Special Methodology

Over the years, we’ve worked with many experts in various industries to help them improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your operation.

We admit; we’re obsessed in our pursuit to understand what’s needed to help our customers achieve success and deliver special experience to your customers.

We’ve always worked to discover ways to contribute to the success of every operational function.

  1. What are the fundamental needs of the industry?
  2. What’s important and relevant to the experts in each field?
  3. What are the collective strengths and weaknesses that they all share?
  4. What’s missing?

That’s when we had an epiphany.

Operations across every industry must move away from the reactive mindset they’ve had for years.

It’s time for a proactive approach – one that will evolve with the demands of the environment.

We’ve done just that.

And while our long-term relationships with industry experts have shaped Proactive Operations, it’s your participation and contribution that has ignited a movement.

With Proactive Operations, you have the advantage of maximizing your performance, creating memories, and keeping your customers coming back to your property.

Now, that’s something really special, right?

Three Pillars That’ll Help You Stun Your Customers

You might already know this:

Proactive Operations defines what every property, in every industry, must strive to achieve.

It represents those operations that have taken or plan to take their operation to the highest level of performance.

The three pillars of the Proactive Operations methodology that work to produce and continuously support a world-class operation are:

  1. Strategy
  2. Infrastructure
  3. Technology

We’ll give you a rundown of each here, but you should continue reading here to learn even more.


Strategy is the first pillar for building Proactive Operations.

Examine and scrutinize all areas of your operation to identify:

  • Strengths
  • Weaknesses
  • Opportunities for advancement

Use the ACDA Principle™ to understand, apply, and continuously improve your:

  • Awareness
  • Communication
  • Documentation


Infrastructure is the second pillar.

Yours is based on your operational needs.

But, you must have one.

It should include representatives from any functional area where issues or incidents could affect performance and the customer experience.

By investing in the design and development of an infrastructure, you create the opportunity to:

  • Manage agile operations
  • Lead organized personnel
  • Maintain a streamlined flow of information


Technology is pillar three – and where implementing operations management software is crucial.

Strengthen this final component by implementing software solutions that optimize all three pillars.

It will help skyrocket your performance.

Get the real-time communication and information you deserve, reduce your risk, and create really special experiences for years to come.

Over to You

At seven years old, Malea Emma Tjandrawidjaja shows us the value of creating a special experience for people. Her performance gave us chills and fueled our flame to continue pushing the Proactive Operations methodology.

It’s easy to get sidetracked with our day to day obligations and to forget why we do what we do. But we have Malea to thank today for it’s her drive to create a really special experience that can push you to do the same.

We’re going to keep doing it over here. That’s for sure.

Learn how to employ Proactive Operations using strategy, infrastructure & technology.

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