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Evolve or Wither: Proactive Operations Know How to Avoid the Crunch

| January 10, 2019 | By

“Think about the last time you went to the supermarket. You probably spent no more than a few seconds choosing from all the different brands of toothpaste, frozen peas or oatmeal,” writes Alina Selyukh in their recent NPR article entitled “From Campbell's To Kellogg's, Classic Brands Are Feeling The Crunch.”

“Those few seconds used to be the holy grail for brands, the moment you would get hooked forever on that Tide detergent or Heinz ketchup — an event referred to as ‘the first moment of truth.’ But lately, the moment of truth has moved to the Internet. What's more, ripples from the 2008 recession have changed us as shoppers,” Selyukh explains.

According to Selyukh’s article, “More and more people have started saying: ‘I'm not a brand person."

“Those five fateful words come from Juliet McFadden, 23, an office manager in Boston. For consumer brands used to owning American cupboards and closets, that sentiment spells trouble and signals a turning point: evolve or wither,” writes Selyukh.

Those five fatal words could be devastating to a classic brand.

But, we’ve got four fatal words that might resonate with you more.

We’re confident you’d never want to hear these.

“I’m not coming back!”

We’d never want you to experience that from your customers – especially over and over until your property is forced to close its doors.

But, how do you avoid this crunch classic brands are starting to experience?

You employ Proactive Operations, and you never stop evolving.

Never Stop Evolving or Your Operation Will Wither

Evolving, improving, optimizing.

These are concepts we talk about every day.

It’s a part of our life.

And we want it to be a part of yours, which is why we’re even bringing it up today.

The Proactive Operations methodology puts things into perspective for operations.

Either you’re evolving, or you’re feeling the crunch like the classic brands shared in Selyukh’s article.

It’s a reactive mindset we want you to avoid.

Here’s how:

  • Employ Proactive Operations
  • Reap the benefits that go beyond your operation’s evolution
  • Experience the reward of maximizing the customer experience, reducing risk throughout your entire organization, and creating memories that last a lifetime

It’s Crunch Time

There’s no more time to waste.

You’ve got to get moving on this initiative – today.

Now, if you don’t know much or anything about the Proactive Operations methodology, that’s OK.

But, you have to head over to this super important resource we created that explains it inside and out.

Read it.

Learn it.

Know it and apply it as a part of your daily routine.

That way the evolution of your operation becomes second nature.

You’ll always be forward-thinking.

The anxiety of evolving should always exist.

Successful organizations know that never goes away.

But it’s a lot better than feeling the crunch that could even put you out of business.


Over to You

It’s a tragedy to watch well-known, classic brands feel the crunch of lost brand loyalty. That’s an experience that forces you to look at your operation with intent and one you’d like to avoid.

You could wait it out and see what happens with your organization. You could let everything wither way. Or, and we believe this is a way direction for you, you can employ Proactive Operations and work hard at a continuous evolution of your operation.

So, what’s it going to be?

Learn how to employ Proactive Operations using strategy, infrastructure & technology.

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