Blog | 24/7 Software

6 Ways to Enhance Awareness Every Property Leader Can Put in Action

Written by 24/7 Software | Jun 1, 2021 1:15:00 PM

11 different incident types…

That require personnel from four different specialties just so happened to occur at the same time.

This situation is unheard of for your property – especially a low activity day like this one.

It doesn’t get better either.

You’re short-staffed.

How do you manage this?

Don’t fray.

We’ve got you covered.

A Little Extra Awareness for Property Leaders

Below are a few ways to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of your operation.

Operations management software that includes the following characteristics will give you the level of awareness your operation needs to respond to each issue and incident in a little less time.

  1. Use text messaging software as a real-time communications channel for customers to discreetly and instantly report issues and for staff that may not have radios. In many cases, incidents have gone unnoticed or escalated before adding these 'thousands of extra eyes' to assist in reporting issues. For staff, valuable time may be saved by eliminating the need to first find a supervisor with a radio to report an incident.
  2. Any number of users logging in from any number of locations simultaneously to enter and update incidents for all other users to see in real-time.
  3. Color-coding incident types and their statuses to effectively categorize new incidents, dispatched, on-scene, or closed to ensure all issues are being handled or have been handled in a timely fashion.
  4. The ability to attach pictures, videos, witness statements, signatures, and virtually any type of document to incidents. All records are instantly accessible and can be immediately communicated to all departments.
  5. Ability to immediately communicate the status and detail updates of an incident via text, email, or through incident management mobile apps. This ability eases the burden of communication to only that of 'need to know' groups.
  6. Provide the ability for staff to document issues and incidents quickly and easily into a unified platform for all to view.

Over to You

We’re sure you noticed that this article is short. That’s the point. It doesn’t require a lot of time to see and understand the value of implementing operations management software.

The best part is the six quick points above are only six pieces of value you gain. There’s plenty more your property’s operation could gain from a software solution.

Let’s chat, and we’ll show you how we can help.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in March 2014 and has been updated for comprehensiveness and freshness.