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9 CMMS Reports to Effortlessly Solve the Facilities Management Puzzle

| September 18, 2014 | By

OK. You’ve put your facilities management initiatives into high gear with a Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) you can rely on.

Now what?

Whoa, whoa. Let’s put the brakes on for a moment and make sure you have everything in order. Did you populate all your vendors into the system? We hope you added all the material that goes along with them, and anything your facilities use that doesn’t involve a vendor.

We’re sure your equipment is up and running, but is it fully accounted for in your CMMS? Excellent.

That means your staff is in action. Work orders and purchase orders are being processed. Your preventive (or preventative) maintenance tasks and activities are being scheduled. Checklists are being checked. We’d say your facilities management efforts are flowing quite nicely – kudos to you!

But wait a minute…how are you ensuring your staff and guests are safe, and that your facilities are fully compliant?

We have a good idea how you can use your new system to solve the facilities management puzzle you might be facing, and really reap the benefits of your new maintenance software.

If you have a new CMMS or you’ve enhanced an existing one, make sure you use purposeful and intricate reports. You and your team are only as good as the information you can manage. Be sure your system provides you with comprehensive one-click reports, charts and graphs giving you an accurate breakdown of work orders, preventive maintenance, fixed assets, materials, vendor information, and much more.

9 CMMS Reports to Increase Your Operational Efficiency

We’d never deny the possibility that you could use more than 9 reports to effectively oversee your operation. However, these reports will give you a pretty good snapshot of how your processes, people, equipment, and materials are being utilized. (If you have additional reports you’d like to impart with us or your peers, do us all a favor, share the wealth in the comment section below.)

  1. Work Order Summary

A Work Order Summary report shows work orders as they’re created, scheduled, started, completed, or closed. Dissect the work orders by a date range to further analyze by date. Go even deeper in your analytics and group your work orders by the department the work order is assigned to, the person the work order is assigned to, by whom the work order was requested, the department requesting the work order, the type of work requested, the status of the work order, which one of your facilities the work order is associated with, and the specific location for the work order.

  1. Purchase Order Summary

A Purchase Order Summary report shows purchase orders as they’re created, sent, scheduled, received, or closed. Dissect the purchase orders by a date range to further analyze by date. Go even deeper in your analytics and group your purchase orders by the department the purchase order is for, which one of your facilities the purchase order is for, what the priority is, the type of purchase order it is, who it was requested by, and the status of the purchase order.

  1. Preventive Maintenance Summary

A Preventive Maintenance Summary report allows you to show your preventive maintenance as they are sent, scheduled, received, or closed. You can dissect all preventive maintenance by a date range to further analyze by date. Don’t stop there, look further into your analytics and group your preventive maintenance by the department it is assigned to, the person it is assigned to, its associated activities, the associated facilities, the specific location of the activity, and equipment category, location, and vendor.

  1. Activities Report

An Activities report will give you a full snapshot of maintenance activities, inclusive of the associated tasks, equipment, materials, labor, and estimated material and labor costs associated with each activity.

  1. Equipment History

An Equipment History report breaks down all of your equipment by work order, purchase order and preventive maintenance. Analyze equipment use by each category - as it’s created, scheduled, started, completed, closed, suspended, or denied.

  1. Vendor Work History

Use a Vendor Work History report to manage your vendors and analyze their associated work orders and all related costs, for optimal management of your maintenance processes.

  1. Vendor Purchase Order History

Use a Vendor Purchase Order report to manage your vendors and analyze their associated purchase orders and all related costs, for optimal management of your maintenance processes.

  1. Vendor Insurance

A Vendor Insurance report will help you keep tabs on your vendors and the status of their insurance. This is a lifesaver that you NEED. Use this to see whether their insurance is current or expired. If you’re using an innovative system, most likely it’ll let you set alerts and notifications – the system will let you know!

  1. Labor Summary Report

Your Labor Summary report is the hottest thing since sliced bread. This is a holistic view of your maintenance efforts. Use this to ALL associated labor by work order, purchase order and your preventive maintenance. Dissect each record by date and see each as they are created, scheduled, started, completed, closed, suspended, or denied. Dive deeper, get even more analytics and make strides in your continuous pursuit of perfection for the management of your facilities. See your labor records by their associated facility, priority, and the department each item is assigned to or has even been requested by. Take it as far as the person it’s assigned to or requesting the work, purchase or maintenance activity.

If you don’t like reading for too long – we get it. We created this easy-to-read, easy-to-understand (we hope) infographic with the simple breakdown of everything we offer [above and below]. Enjoy it, share it, and use it in your training. Whatever you’d like!

CMMS Facilities Management Infographic


Solve the Facilities Management Puzzle for Lasting Benefits

See the information the way you need to see it. The statistics from the reports we’re about to share with you will give you all the data you need to increase your operational efficiency AND will allow you to:

  1. Enhance your control over the use of your resources from scheduled preventive maintenance activities and tasks.
  2. Always have control of your maintenance budgets, because now work is planned and you can determine costs ahead of time while constantly measuring and tweaking resources to maintain efficacy.
  3. Reduce your equipment and material costs because everything is scheduled, and planned maintenance will work out better for your efforts. When you know maintenance is coming, the cost of it drops significantly – 5 to 10 times significant.
  4. Keep the morale of your staff all the way up! No more stress about barely maintaining equipment from constant fixes and replacements will leave your staff A LOT HAPPIER. Now you’re giving those scheduled activities and tasks to your staff ahead of time, because your reports are driving behavior AND behavior is driving the overall efficiency and effectiveness of your operation.

This is where your effectiveness as a facility manager can then be measured, because now you know where and how your resources are being allocated. It makes sense right?

We challenge you to create and implement these types of reports for your facilities. There’s no question the benefits you get can stretch far beyond the four we listed above.

We’d love to learn your successes…comment below or reach out to us on social media. Until next time, may all your maintenance dreams come true!

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