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4 Key Drivers for Winning at Property Management

, , | November 13, 2014 | By

Successful property managers see the value in moving their operation towards a safe one.

No, we don’t mean a property covered in soft pillows and cute kittens. We’re talking about an often used idiom we’ve coined to help you as a property manager increase your proficiency.

We’re talking SAFE. It’s quite a simple concept too.

 In order to win at property management you need:

  • Smart analytics
  • Accurate documentation
  • Full awareness
  • Enhanced communication

Trust us when we tell you these four drivers can take your operation from lacking to legendary - in a terse amount of time.

You won’t only be winning, you’ll have peace of mind

Smart Property Management Entails Smart Analytics

Having and using analytics are crucial for the efficiency of your operation. Use them to improve your processes and strengthen your protocols. Analytics gives you the insight into your operation so you can improve every day.

If you read our article on putting your incident management system data to use, then you already know a textbook example of why you need analytics: Response times.

Response times influence every area of your operation. Faster response minimizes short term and long term impact of issues occurring throughout your property.

When you see repetition, such as loitering, you’ll be ready and better prepared for it. This is how you keep the peace…peace of mind!

Once you have the data you can break it down and scrutinize the facts. That way, everyone will be better aware of what is happening every day, all of the time.

Accurate Documentation for Liability Defense

Accurate documentation is the only thing that’ll help you have the upper hand on risk management. Incidents will occur, but affording yourself with accurate documentation will result in the type of liability defense you require.

Let's face it, you never know when you’ll need it; therefore you must document every incident, every time, with all of the associated details.

Eliminate illegible handwritten notes and replace them with secure historical digital records. If notes need to be accessed in the future, no need to find the employee that wrote them to decipher them, because now your info is reliable.

Digital records are generally accepted in liability defense unlike handwritten notes.

Using digital records, changes can be tracked so you know who wrote what, and when the changes to the record were made. Giving your staff the ability to attach and quickly reference documents (pictures, videos, statements, etc.) with each issue or incident is one more step towards efficiency.

The simplest strategy to gain accurate documentation is to utilize a system that allows your staff to record information at the same time they’re performing their job. Eliminating the burden of data entry after the fact, increases document reliability.

This process of integration also ensures staff’s job performance is never compromised by their need to document what they're doing. Accountability and efficiency in a winning package. Provide your staff with the tools to be successful.

Accurate, legible and historical records provide considerable benefits to reducing your risk and enhancing your staff’s efficiency.

But first…you need to know what your team is up against.

This is where the value of analytics we mentioned before comes in. You can’t analyze what you don’t know. Own the documentation so you can measure your risk.

Full Awareness Across Your Property

Increased awareness affords you and your staff the ability to respond to one more incident…in a little less time. Trust us, you need all the extra time you can get.

Time is money, right?

Provide a two-way text alert system as a channel for customers to instantly report issues, and for your staff operating without radios. In many cases, incidents have gone unnoticed or escalated before adding extra ‘eyes’ to assist in reporting issues.

Give your staff the ability to log into a web-based system from any location. Staff can then simultaneously enter and update incidents for all your other staff to see in real time.

Make sure that data is never lost due to bad Wi-Fi connection. Implement a system that allows your staff to enter data in an off-line environment for future upload, syncing as soon as Wi-Fi is available.

Now your team knows what’s happening and when. This will results in all issues being handled in a timely manner, keeping your customers and staff safe.

Enhanced Communication Ties Your Efforts Together

Closing the communication gap for your operation is the cement that brings all your analysis, documentation and awareness into constructive application. Harness the power of Wi-Fi and supplement your communication with on-line, real-time abilities.

Wi-Fi is not always great throughout every property, so choose a system that allows reporting to occur when off-line but will sync into the system when Wi-Fi becomes available. This offers full coverage.

Equip your staff with mobile apps to effortlessly report issues and incidents. This will let you give them real-time info on new trends you’re finding from your analytics. See how this all comes together no matter which way you look at it?

It’s an infinite succession of operational greatness. We’re sure you’re coming to realize this.

Developing a set of communication procedures all staff can quickly learn and retain inclusive of mobile apps, automatic alerts and notifications gives you a manageable way to train and execute. Automate information to empower your staff and watch communication across departments surpass your immediate expectations.

When you enhance your communication your team is aware. Increased awareness will help you outdo, outshine and outperform your rivals.

That’s when you know you’re [hashtag] winning at property management.

Prevail at Property Management

We’ve laid it out for you. Call it a guide, call it a checklist, we call it the four actionable ways to achieve peace of mind. Do these four things to win – we’ll be watching.

Oh – and don’t forget! You can’t communicate what you don’t know. You can’t know what you haven’t analyzed. You can’t analyze what you don’t document.

Make your property’s operation a SAFE one.

Be smart, analyze it. Protect yourself, document it. Be aware of it…all of it. Bring it all together, communicate it.

Download our free eBook about incident management software

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