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21 Awesome Ways to Effectively Promote Text Communication

| October 6, 2015 | By

Text communication gives you the ability to be proactive.

Not only does it help boost safety at your property, it allows you to minimize potential risk.

Most important:

It allows you to do this so you can keep your guests safe. When you’re proactive, you make a positive impact on your guests’ experience.

From active shooter situations to severe weather, a text communication system can be the difference between top-notch security and lost lives.

As a leader, how do you ensure your text communication system is being used to its full potential?

The answer you’re looking for is ‘visible signage’ throughout your property. Notice that we stress the importance of ‘visible’ signage. There’s a reason for this.

Text communication is a time of need system. This means your guests will look to use it only when they need it.

To ensure the system gets used, you must give your guests all the information they need, when they need it. It’ll make reporting issues or incidents at a moment’s notice a lot easier.

We’ve identified 21 ways to promote your text system. You can use them to ensure your guests know you have a system, how to use it, and that they use it.

Check out our 21 awesome ways to effectively promote text communication in the presentation below. Use it as a reference guide for determining the best methods to promote your property’s system. This guide can help evolve the safety, security and experience of your guests.


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